[PoT - Fudoumine family] Sick

Mar 30, 2010 23:19

Pairing: Shinji/Akira, if you squint
Rating: G
Word count: 288
Warnings: Fluffy. >.>
Disclaimer: No real yaoi => Don't own.
A/N: Inspired by the fact that I managed to get a fever the day before Prom. It better be gone by tomorrow :|

It was two days before the National Finals and Kamio had managed to catch a fever. How that had happened eluded him, but there was no doubt that he could not let his team know. Tachibana-san had appointed him to become the new Captain after he graduated and Kamio would not let him down. They would surely win the Nationals this year, for him.

He was surprised when the doorbell rang and shortly after his mother yelled up that his friends from school were there to visit him, followed by all of the Regulars filing into his room.

“You’re sick.” Sakurai stated, his stare boring into his eyes. Meanwhile Ishida stalked over to his desk, grabbed Kamio’s wrist and practically dragged him over to his bed, securely tucking him in.

“Oi! Stop it, I’m not…” Kamio started to protest, but was cut off as Mori stuffed a thermometer into his mouth.

“You were staggering all over the place today. And Shinji said you almost fainted in the clubroom after we left. Kyousuke is making you some soup downstairs. You’ll eat that, and then you’ll stay in bed and rest.” Sakurai said, continuing as Kamio tried to start protesting again. “And don’t even think about coming to school tomorrow. We need you at full health for the finals.”

They didn’t stay long after that, save for Shinji, who said he wanted to wait until he fell asleep. While Kamio’s eyes were drooping he thought he felt the other’s soft lips pressing on his temple, then whispering “Get well soon.”

When they won the finals by Kamio defeating Rikkai’s Kirihara, he thought life couldn’t get any better. And silently thanked Shinji, who had taken his fever away.

!tenipuri, ch: kamio

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