[SuJu - Zhou Mi/Kyuhyun] Hear your heart. Heart your health.

Aug 17, 2010 21:18

Pairing: Zhou Mi/Kyuhyun
Rating: G
Word Count: 1770
Summary: Kyuhyun is sick, but Zhou Mi comes to visit and makes it all better
Warnings: Fluff. Gratuitous amounts of it. Might induce cavities.

Kyuhyun had a policy about falling ill, and said policy was not to do it. There was this thing with his body refusing to listen to him though and somehow, barely two days after Super Show 3 had kicked off, he found himself jerking awake with a sore throat and glassy eyes, feeling like he was going to spontaneously combust any moment.

He shuddered, pulling the covers over his head with a groan. This was bad. Not only did he not have the time to get sick - what with SM Town coming up, if you were with SM Entertainment you just did not get sick. It was that simple, no excuses allowed. They had schedules to keep to, and a little bit of a fever definitely couldn’t get in the way, no matter how bad he felt. Kyuhyun knew this from years of experience.

He would have to ask Jungsu if they had any medication to tide him over the day in the morning.

Kyuhyun was not sure if he had dozed off or not, but when he next blinked bleary eyes open it was to a cool, damp towel wiping the sweat off his forehead, Sungmin’s worried eyes looking down on him as he shuddered, a wave of cold running through his body.

“What time is it?” He winced inwardly at how hoarse he sounded, sending Sungmin into a frown.

“Still a while till we have to leave. Jungsu-hyung said to let you rest as long as possible,” a small smile spread on the other man’s face and he reached beside him, guiding a cup with what smelled like hot tea to his lips, “Drink this, it’ll help with your throat. Heechul-hyung went out to get something for your fever. You were burning up when I tried to wake you.”

Of course, the others knew just as well as him that a break wouldn’t be possible, but Kyuhyun felt grateful all the same.

“Let’s hope he doesn’t get abducted by crazy fangirls on his way then,” he chuckled, regretting it a second later when he broke out into a violent coughing fit. Sungmin grimaced.

“Do you want me to ask Jungsu-hyung to try getting off for the day? You look really awful.” Even as Sungmin spoke, they both knew it was wistful thinking. Kyuhyun shook his head. He would just have to man up, swallow about a hundred pills and play the perfect little idol that SME wanted him to be.

A door slammed outside and he groaned, the sound going straight to his head, making the throbbing pain even worse. Today couldn’t be over soon enough.


They had been working for hours before he finally allowed himself to collapse onto the couch that had been so conveniently placed. Taunting him with its presence the entire time, really, making him want nothing more than to curl up on it and sleep. His fever had been gradually getting worse, to the point where he’d had to close his eyes to prevent his vision from going entirely blurry. The paracetamol Heechul had bought had helped for a while, but they could only do that much.

Kyuhyun hadn’t even planned on dozing off, had just wanted to get some rest, but his eyes closed of their own accord, his jacket draped over his legs as a tiny makeshift blanket. Somewhere in the back of his mind he registered the sound of a camera snapping but he didn’t think much of it until an insistent finger started poking at his cheek.

Lacking the energy to even bat said finger away he groaned instead, blinking his eyes open to a widely smiling Donghae. “Jungsu-hyung said to send you home, we’ll finish the rest off by ourselves.”

There was hardly any room to argue, even if he’d wanted to. Donghae had pulled him off of the couch before he even managed to get a word in, one arm slung around his waist to keep him steady, “let’s get you to the car.”

Kyuhyun managed to send him a look of mock-condescension, gathering his strength to stand up straight. “I know you. If you’re even considering carrying me there I’ll never let you borrow any of my consoles ever again.”

Donghae at least had the grace to look sheepish. He allowed himself a small smirk, before turning to Donghee, “Don’t even try to use that picture as blackmail material, I’ve got worse on you.”

He didn’t miss the other grumbling about how he didn’t seem so sick after all before Donghae had him out of the door.


Getting home and back into bed was all kind of a blur, but that really was the least of Kyuhyun’s worries as he stared at the numbers blinking back up at him from the thermometer. 39.8°C, which was most likely a temperature that wouldn’t be going down very quickly. If it had been a light fever that would have been alright, he would have taken some medicine and been fine again the next day. But, he figured as yet another cold shudder ran through him, he might actually have to see a doctor for this one. The managers would not be pleased.

With a disgusted grunt he dropped the thermometer on the floor, curling up underneath the covers. Who knew, maybe he would get lucky and the fever went down before the others came back to fuss over him. As much as he enjoyed the attention, they all had busy schedules and better things to worry about than a sick dongsaeng.

He had just managed to build a nice, warm cocoon of blankets around himself when he heard the front door click open. Too soon for the others to return he thought with a frown before an all too familiar voiced called out an unsure hello in heavily accented Korean.

Right, he was supposed to come here today, wasn’t he? He just hadn’t known Zhou Mi would be so early.

“I’m here,” he tried to call out, poking his head from underneath the blankets, but it ended up as little more than a pitiful croak. Apparently more tea was in order. But going to greet the other came first.

Kyuhyun was just about done peeling the blankets off himself when the door to his room swung open, Zhou Mi by his side in two long steps. “Stay in bed, idiot, you need rest.”

It was the first time that day Kyuhyun allowed himself a genuine smile, pulling the other down into a tight hug. “Idiot yourself, if you get too close to me you’ll catch it too. You’re only just getting over that throat thing of yours.” Still, he didn’t let go until Zhou Mi practically pried him off, gently pushing him back onto the bed.

“Xi Che ge called me, told me to make sure that idiot of a maknae stayed in bed and got the rest he needed, to put it in his words.” The usually so wide smile turned into a small frown, “You should have told me you were sick, I would have come sooner.”

There was a moment of silence before Zhou Mi’s eyes fell on the thermometer, the frown deepening. “How high is it?”

Great. If there was one person on the planet Kyuhyun didn’t want worrying about him, this was who. So he pulled the blankets over his head, unintelligibly muttering the numbers and hoping the other would let it pass.

Of course, luck was not with him today. Zhou Mi was quick to pull the blankets back down, his tone rather admonishing, sounding every bit the concerned boyfriend in only two words. “Kui Xian.”

The older man had always been good at guilt tripping him, but using that tactic while he was already sick in bed with his defences down was completely unfair. “39.8,” he repeated, pulling the blankets back up to his chin. The air felt cold. “But I don’t see when the big deal is.”

He knew he was just being stubborn now, but that had never kept Zhou Mi away, and seconds later he found himself pulled into another hug. If he was completely honest with himself he had missed those hugs - had missed Zhou Mi, really, and the other man’s presence alone already made him feel less awful. Maybe he had magical healing powers or something.

“Kui Xian, oh Kui Xian. I’ll go make you some tea, and then you’ll have to sweat it out, okay? I’ll make sure you’ll feel better soon.”

Zhou Mi had barely finished speaking when he was already out of the room, rushing to get to the kitchen. He couldn’t lie to himself, he had missed that man more than he had thought. Daily text messages and phone calls were nice and all, but having him here was like having his sunshine back in his life, and not even a stupid fever could change that. Kyuhyun smiled, curling up under his blankets again while he waited for the other to return. He couldn’t even deny that he felt all sorts of thankful towards Heechul for making Zhou Mi come over earlier, because it meant they were getting some alone time - even if said alone time was going to be spent hacking and coughing in bed by him. It wouldn’t matter because Zhou Mi was there to hold his hand.

It didn’t feel long before the door opened again, the other man returning with a steaming cup of tea in his hands that he sat down right beside Kyuhyun’s bed, easy to reach. He croaked out a small thank you and then blinked in surprise when Zhou Mi lifted the covers up and proceeded to slip in right beside him.

“Don’t do that, I’m probably contagious,” Kyuhyun muttered, but he couldn’t quite find it in him to kick Zhou Mi out when the other wrapped warm arms around him, pulling him flush against his chest, the smile he had missed so much back on his face.

“I have to keep you warm, don’t I?” He just grunted in reply before snuggling closer. How could he even say no to that?

It was to the sound of Zhou Mi’s steady heartbeat that Kyuhyun fell asleep again, not even registering when the rest of the members returned or when Zhou Mi hushed them as they poked their heads in one after another to check on him. He didn’t even stir when the other asked Jungsu in quiet tones if they could get a doctor to come next morning.

Because sickness or not, he was finally back in Zhou Mi’s arms where he belonged.

!super junior, pairing: kyuhyun/zhou mi

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