[SuJu - Yesung/Kyuhyun] Cell phones are the latest invention in rudeness

Jul 29, 2010 11:58

Pairing: Yesung/Kyuhyun
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1346
Summary: Yesung's voice does things to Kyuhyun.
Warnings: Phonesex. PWP.
Notes: Apparently I can't write normal smut. >_> Prompted by Yesung's complete phonesex voice in Love Pursuer. I totally blame this on just_dropit

The thing with Yesung is that he is unpredictable even in the most predictable circumstances. So when Kyuhyun answers his phone in a short filming break in China nothing prepares him for the low-pitched voice asking him what he is up to with a tone that sounds even more suggestive than the one he uses when they are on their own in Yesung’s bedroom.

Kyuhyun hangs up immediately, face flushed.

He also ignores the next five times his phone rings until he has made it back to the relative safety of his hotel room.

“Hyung,” he hisses, fingers just a little bit shaky as he holds the phone to his ear, “what did you think you were doing?”

He can practically hear the smug smile all the way from Korea, and if he is quite honest, it is a little unnerving, because the low chuckle that follows right after sends pleasant shivers down his spine.

“What was I doing, Kyuhyun-ah?” He is aware that Yesung must know - he always does. He does when they are on shows and he whispers into his ear with that voice, he knows when he trails soft touches up his spine, careful so no one sees. So he must know now, must also know that Kyuhyun waited for some privacy until he answered his phone again.

There is a smugness in Yesungs voice when he continues that Kyuhyun does not appreciate, but he can’t quite muster up the will to complain, not when soft dark words are rolling down his skin in waves like molten chocolate.

“You weren’t, by any chance, thinking of anything inappropriate on show, were you? Thinking of how much rather you’d be here with me right now, where you could touch me, kiss me until there was no air left in your lungs… tease me until I had enough, pressing you back into the sheets-“

Yesung’s voice has dropped to nothing but a smooth purr by then and Kyuhyun barely manages to suppress a groan, instead choking out a strangled, almost pained, “Hyung…!”

He hasn’t even realized his hand found its way to his groin until Yesung laughs again, all low and velvet, “You’re touching yourself, aren’t you, Kyuhyun-ah?” and it takes a while for him to gather enough of his wits to answer, “Why would I do that? You aren’t that good, hyung.”

Again, Kyuhyun is aware the other knows, but he is not about to give up the pretence even as he fumbles open his fly.

“Is that so.” Yesung still sounds far too calm, far too predatory, knowing all too well what his voice does to Kyuhyun., “I don’t suppose you will want to know what I’d do to you when I finally had you where I wanted, do you?”

I do, screams Kyuhyun’s brain, but stubborn pride keeps him from repeating that out loud. “Not particularly. I’ll humour you though,” he says instead, in an attempt to appear nonchalant.

Yesung’s laugh is low, just like his words, and Kyuhyun settles back onto his bed, one hand dipping between his legs, the other quick to set the phone to loud speaker.

“You know,” Yesung finally continues, “since you insist on being a cheeky brat, perhaps I should gag you,” Kyuhyun bites on his lips at that, giving his cock a soft squeeze, while the other’s voice lowers to nothing more than a whisper - he knows Yesung’s lips would be rushing against his earlobe while he spoke, “but I think I want to hear you moan and scream my name even more.”

“Jongwoon,” Kyuhyun breathes, head turned towards the phone he dropped onto the sheets and Yesung’s reaction is a satisfied purr, “Yes, just like that.”

“I would trail kisses along your collarbone then, would hold your wrists down so you would be completely at my mercy. Now and then I would bite, small marks to show you that you are mine,” Kyuhyun gasps at the last syllable, the hand that he’d let himself trail down his neck pinching at the skin on his collarbone, “Don’t…!”

“I know you would complain, so I would silence you with a kiss, and you would open up under me, nice and pliant. I would deepen the kiss, maybe, fuck your mouth with my tongue until you were straining against me, desperate for more,” Kyuhyun let out a soft moan, tongue curling around the fingers he’d pushed into his mouth, hips arching into his hand.

“I know you would be impatient, but it would just make me want to tease you more. So I would refuse to let your arms go, instead finding something to fasten them together with. You would struggle against it, but you know I will make it good for you. Then I would trail my hand lower, letting it rest right. There.”

He shivers, slowly, reluctantly removing his hand from his erection, knowing all too well where this is going. Anticipation pools in his stomach and he closes his eyes, his own breathing harsh in his ears.

“But I wouldn’t touch you right away, oh no. Quick brushes, fleeting contact, until you were begging for it.” Kyuhyun doesn’t know how he does it, but Yesung’s voice drops even lower, making desire flare through his veins, “Beg, Kyuhyun.”

“Please…!” the word escapes his lips before he even has time to think about it, shaking with the effort of trying not to touch himself until Yesung says he can.

“Mmh… I don’t think so, no.” Kyuhyun just knows Yesung is smirking as he says this and he groans in frustration, curling his hands into fists.

“Fuck, Jongwoon… I can’t…” he moans, desperate for some friction, for the other to continue, “Come on, please!” and Kyuhyun already knows Yesung is relenting when he hears the other speak again.

“I would have gotten the lube while you were writhing under me, would enjoy the sight just a little longer before finally pulling your pants down, your skin trembling when the cool air hits it. But you would know what was coming while I skimmed my fingertips up your thighs,”

“Fuck you, hurry,” Kyuhyun hisses around the two fingers he was wetting, the other hand still clenched around the sheets.

“But, Kyuhyun-ah, I’m the one who will be doing the fucking here,” he can see Yesung’s face in his mental eye right then, all smug and in control, and it sends another shiver down Kyuhyun’s spine, “I’d kiss you, right when I pushed the first finger into you,” he lets out a small moan of discomfort as he mirrors Yesung’s words, spine arching off the sheets while he squeezes his eyes shut.

“I would move slowly, carefully, until I could add a second finger,” Yesung continues, all calm and composed and Kyuhyun could weep, his erection straining, aching to be touched and he chokes out a string of curses, moving back against his fingers until he finally finds that spot within him, pressing down hard.

“I would still refuse to touch you, would enjoy watching you squirm. I would keep teasing you with my fingers until you were fucking yourself on them, frantic for more.” Kyuhyun can only moan, helpless as he does just what Yesung is saying, pleas for more tumbling from his lips without him even realizing it.

It feels too long until Yesung finally gives in and Kyuhyun nearly screams as his hand goes back to stroking his cock, slick with precome. It does not take long until he spills over his own hand, Yesung’s voice in his ear, Yesung’s name on his lips as the white haze overwhelms him.

He just lies there, breathing harshly for a few minutes until realization dawns on him what they just did. Kyuhyun groans, rolling over to take the phone back up, “I’m going to kill you once I get back to Seoul.”

“You know you loved it,” Yesung answers, still all smugness and Kyuhyun promptly hangs up on him. He will get his revenge. Yesung always gets deliciously jealous when he hangs all over Zhou Mi, after all.

!super junior, pairing: yesung/kyuhyun

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