[SuJu - Various] From α to ω (1/?)

Apr 28, 2010 20:08

Pairing: (future) QMi, Anya/Heechul, Han Geng/Eva, Hanchul friendship and more to come~
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3446
Summary: Life in space is dangerous, especially for those who have something to hide. Kyuhyun tries to make the most of it. Meanwhile Heechul and Han Geng have their own agenda.
Notes: ...I don't even know where this came from. OR WHY IT IS SO LONG. I don't write long fic, damnit D: And right now the ideas just keep popping up @.@ Also, Siwon is now a bus, according to one of my dearest typos. *fails just a little*
Also: Reviews are very nice~ Pretty, please?

There is a loud bang and suddenly the ship lurches to a halt, sending Kyuhyun flying from where he was standing on the bridge.

Grabbing at whatever he can reach.

He barely notices the pain exploding in his body, doesn’t realize that sickening crack is his own ribs breaking. Almost as if it’s not his own body flung into the machinery, lying there bleeding for long moments until he hears footsteps approach.

The sound is dull to his ears, his eyes unseeing when they come to a halt in front of him.

“Cho Kyuhyun, you are under arrest for breaking Article 42.7.7 of the Interstellar Law.

Damn, Kyuhyun thinks, moments before he slips into unconsciousness, I know that voice.

Game Over.


“Whiskey,” is all Kyuhyun orders when he slides into the bar stool. It earns him a disapproving stare from Leeteuk, but they have a meeting with Heechul later, and god knows he can’t stomach that completely sober. Especially since he seems to have gotten himself a new boy toy to flaunt.

“I hope you’re not planning to get drunk and fly. You’ll get in trouble if you get caught.”

Kyuhyun chuckles when the older man fills him a glass anyway. “Didn’t know you had a sense for sarcasm.” He takes a sip and leans over the counter, “But no, the new wares are only coming in two days from now. Gotta get a break sometime.”

He knows Leeteuk disapproves of what they are doing, but a man has to earn a living somehow; and smuggling earns him a damn good living. And with it comes the thrill of the game, the danger of being caught any day, when you least expect it.

It’s much better than taking over his old man’s farm on Phi 137, even if it means having to deal with people like Heechul. Which is not too bad either, if one disregards the blatant gay and just accepts the fact that he will hit on anyone and everyone if he deems them attractive enough.

Kyuhyun has the disadvantage of falling into that category.

“Should you really be drinking like this on an early afternoon?” An unfamiliar voice suddenly pulls him from his thoughts and Kyuhyun gives the person sliding into the seat next to him an incredulous once-over.

Tall, dark hair. Taller than him, even, from the looks of it. A long nose and a smile that looks like it will split his face in half if the stranger keeps it up much longer.

‘Annoying’ is the category into which Kyuhyun immediately stuffs the man.

“I’m Joomyuk. And you are…?”

Kyuhyun shoots a look at Ryeowook who gives an almost unnoticeable shrug in response. No hidden hostility then, but he still stays guarded.

“Kui Xian.” Cho Kyuhyun is a wanted man after all, and trumpeting his real name to strangers, especially suspicious ones who look like they might bleed rainbows if pricked, is not on top of his list of priorities.

Nor is associating with them, and so Kyuhyun buries himself in his whiskey, letting the other man ramble at him and nodding once in a while as if he was actually listening until Yesung signals him it is time to go.

It’s without a word of goodbye that Kyuhyun leaves the bar, Ryeowook and Yesung waiting for him up front.



“Nothing.” Ryeowook shakes his head, expression almost grim, which is rare for the other man. “Not even happy sunshine and flowers, just nothing.”

“Well, looks like we’ve gained an unwanted visitor then,” chirms Yesung although the tautness of his nerves is hard to miss if you know where to look. And small wonder, if they’ve been tracked as far as Omega 17.0a things are bad.

“Which means we’ll either have to get rid of him or question him and then get rid of him.” A few years ago the casualness with which the words leave Kyuhyun’s mouth would have surprised him, but these are dangerous times, and they have to do what needs to be done in order to survive. Even if it means getting disposing of overgrown rays of fucking sunshine.


As expected Heechul is not too pleased to hear the news, shifting around on the lap he was currently seated on - Kyuhyun really didn’t want to know how often the man changed lovers. Not that it was any of his concern, as long as he wasn’t being picked as the next one.

“I hope you made sure he didn’t follow you.” Heechul’s tone is sharp when he speaks, but Kyuhyun still has to bite back a snort. They aren’t amateurs who let themselves be caught that easily, and the other man knows it.

“Of course.” It is Ryeowook who speaks up and Kyuhyun has a sneaking suspicion it’s because his partner is convinced he won’t be able to bite his tongue. He also suspects Heechul had the same thoughts, which explains the narrowed eyes he is displaying.

“Find out everything you can.” This is where the haggling would usually begin, but it’s not just Heechul’s small crime empire on the line, it’s theirs as well. “If he really is an imperial spy, I want his head.” The man snaps, punching numbers into his intercom.

“Anya, send Henry down here. Now.” There is a cracking on the line and a snort. Kyuhyun winces.

“Come up here yourself if you need him this badly.” Heechul flinches, and if he didn’t know better his tone becomes softer when the man speaks up again.

“Would you please tell him to join us.”

“See, much better.” Another crack and the line goes dead, making Heechul slump just a little, looking almost sulky.

“I swear, if I didn’t need her here, I’d send her instead of Henry, just to get rid of her.” Kyuhyun doesn’t even bother to hide his grin. He has heard rumours of ‘Anya’ in the bars, but this really was priceless. As far as he knows even Han Geng had never been able to make Heechul say please and those two had been in league with each other for what must be centuries.

“Mind your face,” snaps Heechul, the same time as a boy of what couldn’t be more than 16 years pulls the door open. Chubby cheeks - Kyuhyun gets a distinct urge to pinch them just looking at the boy - small, slanted eyes and a look of adorable that should be illegal.

“Right.” He starts, “I’m certain Henry here is absolutely terrifying and will send ‘Joomyuk’ fleeing for his life,” Yesung lets out a small snicker beside him, “but I’m not too sure we should take a kid along.”

He usually doesn’t make a point of looking down on people for their appearance, but really - a little kid? That’s low even for Heechul.

“I’m 20, actually.” Oh, thinks Kyuhyun. “And was trained together with Anya.” Oops, Kyuhyun mentally adds.

He feels his skin prickle when the kid - man - steps close before he even notices his personal space is invaded. Henry’s smile is wide, a little like the one ‘Joomyuk’ was wearing, but there is a hint of danger in it, the look of a predator. Not someone to be taken lightly then, Kyuhyun realizes and he knows Ryeowook and Yesung think the same. Ryeowook shudders next to him as if he were cold, and maybe he is. The person in front of him certainly seems cold. Dangerous.

“And I think I’ll be of help to you indeed.”


Hankyung is fairly sure Eva likes putting herself in danger on purpose just to see how long it takes for him to rescue her. Granted, she usually manages to get out of any situations by herself before he even arrives at the scene, and he couldn’t exactly complain because it was his job to make sure things didn’t go terribly wrong. Terribly only because things always went wrong and he could only do his best to not have her get hurt.

Hankyung is also fairly sure that somehow this is all Heechul’s fault, because whenever things don’t go the way he wants them to it’s Heechul’s fault. Not to mention the fact that the ship they are currently hiding in looks suspiciously smugglerish, and he knows for a fact that the other man is responsible for 90% of the smuggling going on in this galaxy. If he hadn’t been in the company he was Hankyung might have groaned in exasperation. As it is he is stuck on thinking of a way to get them out of here before anyone is alerted of their presence.

“So tell me again why you thought it was a good idea to go exploring on your own, your Highness?” At court this already counts as insolence, but Eva rarely cares - was sometimes quite happy with breaking protocol, he thinks. Maybe too happy.

“I’ll tell you if you start calling me Eva,” if he didn’t know the woman Hankyung would have been sure that he imagines that slight spark of mischief around her eyes, but it is most certainly there. And he doesn’t like it. It usually means the woman has planned more than just sneaking on ship and being carted around the galaxy.

This time his sigh is definitely filled with exasperation. “You know very well I can’t do that, your Highness.”

He already breaks protocol in more ways than one even by just sitting by her side and talking to her in a hushed whisper that would be considered intimate anywhere else - but in reality he is merely making sure no one hears them and is alerted of their presence. This is dangerous territory; especially since they are not just common citizens of Popiel X1. Instead he is sitting in a smuggler ship together with the heiress to the throne, the very same throne that inflicts harsh punishments on those who break the law.

Granted, he could be considered an outlaw himself, but not even Eva knows of that. Hankyung makes sure it stays that way too.

“Well, I think it is exciting,” that is definitely a grin on Eva’s face now, and Hankyung freezes as she continues, “Besides, I thought you were missing your usual company quite a bit. Weren’t you, Han Geng?”

There is no way she could have known. He had been extremely careful in his disguise, even had the personal profile code stored away on his ID chip rewritten. Had erased all traces of himself on any smuggling ship he had ever set foot on, had used a different name. How had she found out his name?

Eva must have noticed his frozen expression - of course she would, the woman was not blind - because she smiles again, almost like encouraging him to admit it. But he can never do that. Confessing one lie would be confessing all others, and that is more than sure to get him executed, possibly on the spot. Once they are off this ship anyway. He had deceived the entire government of this galaxy, managed to get himself into a position of utmost trust, only to betray it at the first opportunity that presents itself. Quite possibly it was going to be thought he was out to assassinate the heiress, which was closer to the truth than he would have liked.

Hankyung is no murderer, but he can’t deny that he had been sent to Popiel X1 to throw the galaxy into chaos. And if he got unlucky he would end up having to annihilate the royal family.

“I do not know what you are talking about, your Highness.”

He schools his face into his usual calm expression, no trace of the shock of hearing his real name spoken left on his features. As long as there is no proof Eva can’t do anything, and if there is... well, she was most likely going to end up in a terrible accident on this rescue mission.

A cold shudder runs down his spine at that thought and Hankyung realizes once more that he really does not want to kill the princess. But he will have to if she leaves him with no choice. His loyalties still lie with Heechul and everything Heechul stands for. There is no room for doubt.

“You don’t need to look so worried, I’m not planning on making this known.” Yet, goes unspoken, but there still is a trace of amusement in Eva’s tone. Almost as if she can see right through him.

Which might not be too far off from the truth, the woman is incredibly perceptive, more so than most people give her credit for. But then again that is to be expected of the future ruler of an entire galaxy. Sometimes he thinks it is natural to her, less trained and more of a gift. Like what Henry has. Or Anya.

He shudders again at the thought of her. Anyone who can boss Heechul around was bound to give people the creeps, and she even is exceptionally good at it.

“I’m not worried because I really don’t know what you mean. I’ve never even heard of ‘Han-“

“Why, if it isn’t Han Geng.” He freezes for what feels like the tenth time since discovering Eva was gone and finally tracking her down after sneaking on the ship.

His fears of that voice being awfully familiar are confirmed when he looks up, Donghae grinning down at him from the airlock he had slipped in through, blaster ready to fire.

“Why,” It almost comes out as nothing more than a whine, “can’t I get lucky just once and get away with stuff?”


The silence in the room is almost odd, considering it is Donghae who is in there with them. Honestly, that was just his luck. Thousands of smugglers in the galaxy, and Eva managed to pick out the one that was absolutely off limits. Han Geng is having a hard time resisting the urge to bury his head in his hands. Somehow this had to be Heechul’s fault. It always was.

Donghae, he belatedly notices, is looking at Eva with a look in his eyes that speaks of knowledge, and this is even worse. As much as his goal is to bring the Empire tumbling down, he cannot risk her discovery here. In fact, he’d very much like it if nothing had ever confirmed Eva’s suspicions, but that couldn’t be changed now.

“Any particular reason why you insist on keeping us here, or is it just for your own perverse amusement?” Han Geng snaps and then realizes Eva is looking far too pleased with this development for it to be natural. But surely she wouldn’t...

“I take it you weren’t in on the plan then?” If anything, Donghae’s grin grows wider and Han Geng groans.

Apparently she would.

“Please tell me you are not about to smuggle the Heiress out?” Why is he even asking, Han Geng thinks. It is fairly obvious from the way those two are acting right down to how Eva would be stupid enough to get on an unknown spaceship in the first place.

“You know, one would think you were going to be happy about this, all things considered.” His eyes snap over to Eva - still smiling at him - and he lets out a small curse. Looks like she knows a lot more than he had imagined from the moment she revealed his true name.

It makes him want to bang his head on the nearest flat surface.

“Why won’t anyone ever tell me these things?” he whines.


Siwon has a problem. A big problem, in fact. A problem consisting of one missing Heiress and an equally missing bodyguard. Granted, her Highness takes detours often, and tries to run away about as often, but usually Hankyung brings her back within the day. But now it’s been almost a week and really, that is just not normal.

Siwon is not panicking, of course, because people of his status do not panic. But when he walks past an eerily empty bedchamber, he has to admit to himself that yes, maybe he is on the verge of panic. But surely Hankyung will let no harm come to her. Surely she would not be foolish enough to put herself in the way of real danger in the first place. But she would, and he knows it all too well. After all, he used to be the one who got to drag her out of it when the mood struck her.

The thought that she might actually have run away barely crosses his mind, because Eva knows her duty to the Empire, knows that without her the guards beside her father’s throne are the only thing keeping the Empire from collapsing.

It is almost enough to get him angry instead of frantically looking for ways to explain her absence.

But Siwon knows his duty. It might be that he has to go after her himself, because securing the throne has to be his one and only goal in life. It is not a game, but sometimes Siwon isn’t so sure the Heiress doesn’t look at it like one. That is what makes this dangerous.

Eyebrows drawn together deep in thought, he attempts to come up with a satisfactory excuse for the Emperor.


Kyuhyun is not sure why he lets them do this to him. “It suits you” is definitely not a valid argument, nor is “Heechul will laugh his ass off”, which is about everything Yesung can come up with before he collapses into a pile of snickering, crackling goo.

Ryeowook is even less helpful with a quietly muttered “You kind of need a disguise, Captain,” because Kyuhyun knows he is just biting back his own laughter, except he can’t be angry with someone who could turn his emotions on him with a flick of his hand.

“You really think he won’t recognize me just because of a wig.” His tone is dry when he speaks, and for some reason it makes Yesung laugh all the harder. And he swears he can see Ryeowook’s lips twitch.

“Don’t worry, we got you a dress too.” Kyuhyun whirls around, just in time to catch a rather obvious leer on Henry’s face.

“I’ll get you for this.” He promises when he sees lace on whatever monstrosity Henry is carrying. As much as he is in favour of luring this Joomyuk person out and questioning him, there certainly is no need for him to dress up as a girl. Or for him to do it, period. “And anyway, this would suit Ryeowook much better.”

It would too, because the other man’s face looks so much like a girl’s, he’s been mistaken for one on multiple occasions. Which might explain why he is laughing at Kyuhyun’s own misery right now.

“Besides, you saw the way he was looking at me. I doubt he’d be out for female company anyway.” There, the most compelling argument as the finishing blow. Kyuhyun always knew he was the most intelligent person on this crew.

“You’d look hot though.”

He also knew he would regret letting Henry in on this, mainly because he had been around Heechul. And Anya. Heaven forbid the boy ever really teamed up with Yesung. He can’t even begin to imagine the chaos that would reign.

“I’m going for a drink. Ryeowook, exorcise Heechul out of him.”

If there was a way to slam automatic doors behind yourself, this is the moment Kyuhyun would have done it.


The bar is dimmed down almost too far to his liking, but right now Kyuhyun couldn’t care less. He is here to get smashed, possibly laid, and certainly not to enjoy a nice evening.

A dress! When had his crew of responsible young men been changed to one that tried to make him crossdress? Dimly, as he gulps down his fourth drink, it comes to him that this must be Heechul’s influence, because these things are always Heechul’s fault. He is the one who made them take in Henry too, after all, and no matter how talented the boy might be, nothing excuses an attempt to put the captain in a dress.

“Stupid spying isn’t my job anyway.” Kyuhyun mutters when another glass with some red fluid is placed in front of him.

It’s halfway to his mouth before he realizes that he did not even order anything.

“You look like you could do with another drink.”

Kyuhyun can almost hear the smile in that voice. And honestly, he does not want to deal with imperial spies while he’s halfway down to sloshed.

Life is ironic, he decides right then and there.

!super junior, *space au, pairing: hankyung/eva, pairing: anya/heechul, pairing: kyuhyun/zhou mi

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