Feb 01, 2010 16:24

Okay so... I'm curious. I've heard a couple people mention it... What's this 'Valentines day' holiday about?

I can kinda remember back when I was a kid... [Creasing his forehead trying to do that.] Bringing stuff to school, and you had to hand 'em out to all your friends. Something like that. So is it another kid's holiday? Christmas definitely ( Read more... )

back before the world got wrecked, lordsmen don't do holidays, looking for something to talk about

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Comments 73

thenotmagician February 1 2010, 21:35:22 UTC
One of th'best holidays ever.


diverged_fate February 1 2010, 21:43:55 UTC
C'mon, is that all you're gonna tell me? [Laugh goes here.]


thenotmagician February 1 2010, 21:54:48 UTC
S'a holiday where y'give everyone y'care about presents an' shit. Kinda like Christmas, but it's got more of a personal thing. Tend t'see a lotta pink and hearts.


diverged_fate February 1 2010, 22:04:03 UTC
Okay, so... yeah it's kinda like I remember it. So it's not just a kid thing?


betterthanraph February 1 2010, 23:32:39 UTC
Romantics call it the day of love, cynics call it worldwide commercialism at its best.

Most people just see it as a good excuse to eat tons of chocolate.


diverged_fate February 2 2010, 01:22:55 UTC
It really doesn't sound that different from the Christmas one. Just a different focus...

I'm not sure why you'd need an excuse for that.


betterthanraph February 2 2010, 01:27:18 UTC
Essentially, yes. Though I think the backstory on Saint Valentine's been lost over the years. ...I don't know it, anyway.


diverged_fate February 2 2010, 01:30:57 UTC
Huh. A friend of mine is giving me the details, so... unless your world's different, I guess some people still know the history.

Saint Valentine. Makes me wonder what the guy would think of his own holiday.


meinxxherz February 2 2010, 00:08:19 UTC
From, uhm, what I--I've read, Valentines day is named after a--a-a Christian martyr, Saint Valentines, who was sentenced to death for--f-for-for preforming marriages for soldiers when, uhm, w-well, after it had been outlawed. It's a celebration of, uhm, o-o-of romance and, uh, romantic relationships.

February 14 uh, was--was also the Roman celebration of Juno, the--the-the Goddess of marriage. That, and--and women. So it's...it makes sense both ways.

I dunno, when, uh, wh-when--when you're younger, it's more of a, y'know, a-a-a celebration of all types of relationships, not just...romantic love. That's uh, that--that's kinda how I still see it...

[Having only had all of one romantic relationship that lasted for, uh, two weeks.]


diverged_fate February 2 2010, 01:26:12 UTC
[You've got his total attention. Now this explanation is detailed and interesting and...history. The Lordsmen altered a lot of holidays as they chose or left them out entirely.]

So it's a religious crossbreed, kinda. No wonder... For kids and adults, but a little different if you're an adult.

'Love', huh? [He manages to make the word sound foreign.]


meinxxherz February 2 2010, 01:40:30 UTC

[He...doesn't know if he should touch on that...love thing. He doesn't really trust himself to do it any justice.]

A--a-a lot...well...

All of the Christian Holidays are kinda based off of, uhm, pagan festivals and celebrations. And--a-and practically all of the holidays celebrated in the west are Christian.

...uhm, e-except this one called the--the Fourth of July. And...well, I-I dunno if the holidays for parents have Christian roots.


diverged_fate February 2 2010, 01:44:02 UTC
[Awkward conversation would probably end up getting really awkward if he did.]

That's... probably why we... [A pause. Did he just say 'we?' Oh hell no...] The people I grew up with. They don't celebrate most of them, and that's probably why.

The Fourth of July... that one I kinda remember too. Fireworks. Now THAT I miss. I guess I was big into them as a kid.


axemeaquestion February 2 2010, 01:11:57 UTC
You don't know Valentines?


diverged_fate February 2 2010, 01:27:31 UTC
Not really... not since I was a kid, like I said.


axemeaquestion February 2 2010, 03:11:40 UTC
You get the grand explanation, yet? Basically, celebration of love and all that good stuff.


diverged_fate February 2 2010, 03:13:28 UTC
Something like that. Funny thing is... every explanation was kinda different.


ttlyisabard February 2 2010, 01:15:51 UTC
What I read of the history seems weird and I don't know why it's connected to what it is ... but holiday's change.

It's an excuse to tell someone who you like that you like them. Or to reaffirm your love with someone you already love. At least that's what I've figured out ...

You're not from Earth either?


diverged_fate February 2 2010, 01:29:30 UTC
Yeah, they do. Or they get wiped out entirely sometimes...

Okay... [This is interesting. He's getting a slightly different answer each time.] Sounds like this holiday counts for a lot of things.

I'm from Earth. It's just... not a lot like Earth used to be.


ttlyisabard February 2 2010, 01:47:21 UTC
Are you from before or after most of the people here? Or is it just different?


diverged_fate February 2 2010, 01:48:32 UTC
After... maybe not. Actually I kinda hope not. They're probably from their own Earth in some other dimension.


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