
Oct 22, 2011 02:20

Who: Any and all
What: Creation Day 2011
When: October 22nd, All Day
Where: Albion

The past year almost seemed as if had passed within the blink of an eye to Dukemon. )

location: albion, event: festival

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Comments 132

[Item Kisoks] dive_npc October 22 2011, 06:21:05 UTC
Set up around the festival grounds, there lay multiple Item Kiosks. With each one there is the data for each Tamer to obtain one of the event exclusive items for their D-Reader:

Jatetsufujinmaru - A large katana. The seal on the scabbard makes it look as though it were sealing away some sort of great power, but in the case of this version, it is merely a strong, durable blade that can create shockwaves through the air. It can be used as a weapon even when sheathed, but is not as sharp as it is when drawn.

Twin Spear - A large spear weapon that resembles two conical lances joined together by a short shaft. It is quite heavy, but those strong enough to wield it effectively have a weapon that can serve as an excellent guard as well as a weapon with a long reach.

Berenjena SDX - A large cannon weapon that can be fit over the arm. It can fire a single large burst of energy, or fire multiple, weaker scattered shots in succession.

Olympia Kai - A large heavy sword that requires great physical strength to be wielded in battle. It ( ... )


Re: [Item Kisoks] pidonus October 22 2011, 08:35:05 UTC
In a clearing near one of the kiosks, a certain Succubus is moving around, a thin, firey blade in hand.

A quick series of basic katas, adjusted to account for the blade's unusual length and weight, proved that fencing-style techniques could still work with the blade - but so far, no test if it could block strikes yet. Perhaps a dual-wielding style with this and the Star Sword from last year?

Pidonus really wasn't sure...


Re: [Item Kisoks] organ_loaner October 25 2011, 22:04:22 UTC
"You seem troubled." A voice familiar, though not as often heard came from behind Pidonus.

Adorea was there, along with her partner Lalamon who was hovering about looking at the weapons as well muttering "So many weapons this year, arent there any items for defense?"


Re: [Item Kisoks] pidonus October 27 2011, 00:42:10 UTC
As Adorea called to Pidonus, the Succubus spun in a wide motion, turning the blade off.

"I'm trying to figure out how best to use this, is all," she said.


[Festival] dive_npc October 22 2011, 06:21:22 UTC
All about Albion, the city was alive with festivities. Booths littered the streets and courtyards, and were active through most of the day selling food and items of various types, as well as places set up for games and other such activities. Most eating establishments had lowered their prices for the day, in hopes of garnering more customers.

All told, the atmosphere was far less tense than the previous year, but one could never be too lax, as guards patrolled the streets.


Re: [Festival] cure_moonlight October 27 2011, 04:16:53 UTC
Tsukikage Yuri had only intended to pass through the festival in order to pick up an item, which she had done in the form of choosing the Indra. She'd intended to return home to her studies, but that had been averted at Cologne's insistence on getting food. To that effect, the Strabimon had been taking his sweet time actually deciding what he WANTED.

"Cologne..." she started, squinting behind her glasses at him. She knew he was just trying to get her to linger around in public. It was pretty obvious, really.

Especially as the former fairy gave her a light smirk. "Yes, Moonlight? Perhaps you'd like to choose?"

Her lips became a thin line, and she resisted the urge to sigh. She knew he meant well, but she couldn't bring herself to feel comfortable. Relenting, though, she pointed to the nearest eatery. "There. And then, can we leave? I still have work to do..."

Cologne crossed his arms. "Of course, you do."

This time she DID sigh, but started walking in the direction of the restaurant.


mouseofcards October 27 2011, 11:35:15 UTC
There was another Tamer there, though she was alone and conspicuously without her partner. She was coming out of the restaurant just as Yuri and her's were coming in, causing them to quite nearly literally run into each other.


cure_moonlight October 29 2011, 03:56:35 UTC
Many folks probably would have collided right into Natsuki. Yuri, however, spun around her rather gracefully, and purely on instinct. He paused only for a moment, straightening her glasses.



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