
Mar 14, 2010 23:22

Who: Nick Stokes, Faith Vanderfleet, Hailey Stokes, Partners (+ Haku and Alex later?)
What: Retrieving Haileybeth~
When: March 14th, 2010 ; shortly after Teddy's post in Hailey's journal.
Where: Dokako Jungle

you could tell me that you're sorry but I don't believe you, baby, like I did before, you're not sorry ... (I am so horrible for this) )

location: dokako jungle, character: teddysaidso, character: vanderfleet, character: ponchotexas

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ponchotexas March 15 2010, 07:07:23 UTC
Nick hadn't been kidding when he said that the fact that he had a kid show up would probably sink in about an hour later. Right then he was simply in the moment, driving as fast as he could to get to Hailey before something happened to her.

Going through the light post in the Denali, he steered through the jungle, checking the GPS frequently to see how close they were.


ponchotexas March 15 2010, 20:10:31 UTC
As soon as she was ready, Nick shifted and pulled her up in to his arms, holding on tightly as they walked over the awkward terrain back to the Denali.

He had no idea how old she was, but she was on the smaller side, and feeling 'better safe than sorry' was the way to go he pulled out Alex's car seat for the back and got her strapped in.

"We're gonna head back home now. Everyone's waitin' for you," he said with a gentle, but still worried smile.


teddysaidso March 15 2010, 21:07:57 UTC
Hailey was a bit confused as to why she was being strapped into a carseat, but she didn't protest it. The Denali was HUGE, and she liked being up a little higher. She clutched her bear to her again, Teddy opting to sit next to her in the car, while Faith climbed into the passenger seat again and looked back at the two with a smile.

Faith had to admit. Her daughter was a beautiful little girl. Her and Nick's daughter was simply beautiful.

... she was a bit worried, though. Not about being a mother; she'd been a mother since she was nineteen. If she wasn't used to it by now, she probably never would be. But that posed the question as to what her son would think.

Faith sighed. She hadn't even told Kioshi yet that she was dating Nick.

She closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the headrest of the seat.

She was going to have to talk with Kioshi about all of this.

Hailey smiled at Nick again. She nodded.

"I'm gonna get to see Alex, right? I've been real worried about him and Mattie, Daddy ..."


ponchotexas March 15 2010, 21:14:23 UTC
It was probably a good thing he did put her in the seat, because the way back was even rougher than the way in. Nick was quiet during that part, concentrating more on getting them through without crashing to tilting the damn huge SUV. Right then he wasn't even thinking beyond 'get them home safely'.

As soon as they got through the lightpost and were back on the even streets of neon.

"Yeah. Alex and Mattie have been here. They're with your Uncle Greg and Sabine."

He wasn't sure how much else of the extended family Hailey knew, but he stopped there, figuring she'd meet them all soon enough.


teddysaidso March 16 2010, 07:45:16 UTC
Hailey was quiet for several moments. This was all weird ... confusing, weird. And she wasn't even sure she realized all of what was going on. She stared out the window, watching buildings pass by. Weird creatures walked the streets, mixed with humans, people she didn't know at all.

Faith noted the girl's silence and looked back, reaching a hand behind to take one of hers.

"Hailey, hun?" She asked softly. "Y'alright?"

Hailey blinked, then looked to her mother, taking her hand and holding it tightly.

"Are we still in Vegas?"

To her credit, Faith had never been to Vegas. But she knew this wasn't Vegas. She shook her head.

"We'll talk 'bout that later, baby girl."


ponchotexas March 16 2010, 22:57:33 UTC
Nick didn't know what to say. He was drawing a horrible blank. He was good with kids, he was great with Greg's kids, but now that he'd had one of his own dropped on his lap...

He just didn't know.

Maybe it was sinking in a little sooner than he was expecting.


vanderfleet March 16 2010, 23:18:07 UTC
Faith brought her hand back and gently placed it on one of Nick's. She looked over at him with concerned eyes.

"How 'bout you? How're you holdin' up?" She asked him softly.


ponchotexas March 16 2010, 23:21:06 UTC

Did his voice just squeak? Damn...

"I'm fine," he repeated after clearing his throat, feeling like a blasted broken record.


vanderfleet March 16 2010, 23:27:35 UTC
She could tell he wasn't as 'fine' as he claimed to be, but she didn't say anything more. Faith would talk to him about it later.

Hailey sat back in the seat, watching her parents.

... something was off. But she still couldn't figure out just what.

But again, she really wasn't sure what to think. There were so many questions ... like, how she got in the middle of the jungle, for one.

Were there even any Jungles in Vegas?

Well. She wouldn't know. She'd only seen the places her parents had taken her.


ponchotexas March 16 2010, 23:32:55 UTC
Silently, Nick pulled the car in the Hyperion parking lot, turning off the engine and sitting there for a few seconds. After a couple of deep breaths he got out and went to the back, unbuckling Hailey.

"Bet your Uncle Greg is waitin' upstairs for you already."


teddysaidso March 16 2010, 23:38:07 UTC
Hailey looked to Nick and nodded, moving to get out of the seat while Teddy jumped onto her back.

"Are you really okay, Daddy?" She asked.

Faith got out of the car, moving to the back door of the car and lifting Hailey out of the car and onto the ground safely. Hailey was still expecting an answer, though.


ponchotexas March 16 2010, 23:44:14 UTC
Nick made a face. Kids were always way too intuitive for their own good it seemed.

"I'll be okay..." he answered softly. It wasn't entirely a lie. He just needed time to... process things first.


teddysaidso March 16 2010, 23:52:56 UTC
Hailey didn't like seeing her dad like this, but that didn't mean she hadn't. So she nodded a little bit, offering him a tiny smile.

"Alex is here, right?"

Faith smiled and nodded to her.

"You bet he is! An' from the sounds of it, he really wanted t'see ya~"


ponchotexas March 16 2010, 23:57:43 UTC
"Come on, let's head up," Nick said, closing the doors to the car and locking the car up before turning and heading towards the Hyperion.


teddysaidso March 17 2010, 00:06:37 UTC
Faith took Hailey's hand and led her along, heading after Nick toward the Hyperion. Hailey couldn't help but look at the place with wide eyes.

... This wasn't their house. This wasn't their house, so why were they here? This wasn't Uncle Greg's house, either.

It was about this time she started to consider the idea that this was a really, REALLY weird dream.


ponchotexas March 17 2010, 00:17:21 UTC
It didn't take long to get upstairs to their floor. As soon as they stepped in to the hallway, though, a little blur of light brown, white and blue sped out of one of the apartment doors and practically tackled Hailey to the ground, very nearly taking Nick out in the process.

"HAILEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYY!" Alex wailed, hugging her tightly.


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