(no subject)

Feb 03, 2009 19:50

Who: Fina, Cupil, Lunamon, Random Digimon A [Vyse Later]
What: :)
When: February 03, 2009 - Mid day
Where: D'Ango Forest

"Hey, did ya miss me?"

Fina turned. That voice! It was so ... Vyse? Was it him? She caught sight of the source of the voice, her lips widening into a bright smile. She clasped her hands together in front of her, her eyes shining. It was him! It was really him!

It had been maybe a month or two since their Captain and one of her best friends had disappeared, and not only her, but everyone was worrying. Some had thought he'd gone sailing again without telling anyone, and taking Pow with him for a little extra help, but when the ship had been in the port, everyone's worries only increased. How could the most important person in all of Crescent Isle and a Dog just mysteriously vanish, no trace at all of ever being there at all?

Nobody had an answer to that .. and that was the most worrisome thing of all.

Search parties had been sent out to look for him; she herself was among many of them, as well as Aika. Everyone had been worried for the worst ... and yet, here he was, right before her.

While this was a pleasant sight, so pleasant that her eyes were welling with tears ... it seemed much too easy. Fina braced herself. She wiped the tears from her eyes, and inhaled, exhaled. She looked up toward him.

"Are you real?" She asked, softly. He chuckled, holding out a hand to her.

"What, you don't think I'm real?"

Fina couldn't help it; she felt her right hand reach out, the smile crossing her face once more, those same tears she had wiped away moments ago returning and running down her cheeks ...

And then she felt something tugging at her robes. She heard a whine. She looked back, and saw Cupil desperately trying to keep her with him. She blinked.

"Cupil ... it's Vyse. You don't remember?"

Cupil only seemed to flail more; to make more sound. Fina's expression became serious, and she lowered her hand.

And then ...

"Nngh ..." Fina groaned as her eyes fluttered open. Nearby, Cupil was nudging her, tugging on her robes, and whining, trying to get his mistress to wake up. He made a happy sound as he finally realized she was coming to, and nuzzled her cheek happily. Fina blinked a few times, then reached a hand up to pet Cupil, reassuring him that she was all right. She pushed herself to a sitting position, feeling a wave of dizziness suddenly overtake her, biting back a groan as a slight pain throbbed in her head.

A dream ... it was another dream. Oh, Vyse ..

She took a look at her surroundings, green eyes widening as she realized one thing for certain; She wasn't on Crescent Isle anymore.

She could feel herself becoming frantic, but she forced herself to stay calm. Cupil seemed just as scared, if not moreso than she; she had to be strong. For herself, for Cupil ... and for Vyse and Aika as well.

A rustling in the bushes nearby alerted her to the fact that they weren't alone. She scrambled to her feet, stepping back and taking a defensive position, staring intently at those bushes while Cupil floated near her head, ready to take on whatever threatened to harm his mistress. Fina was quiet; she waited, as did Cupil, for any more signs of life. Just as she had begun to relax, however ...

She inhaled a sharp breath, stepping back as a creature that vaguely resembled a cross between a bunny and a looper rolled out of the bushes and stopped on his back, right before her feet. Fina blinked. She tilted her head just a little to the side, and then, determining that this creature wasn't harmful, she smiled and knelt down beside him.

"Hello," she greeted softly, slowly holding her hand out, trying not to startle him more. The bunny-looking creature sat up, then stood, taking a few steps back. He then ... frowned. And to her surprise, he began to speak.

"You don't belong here," Was all he said. Fina was, quite frankly, taken aback. Well ... that was rude. Or was it? She wasn't entirely sure. Not moving from her current position, she offered another smile.

"A-Ahh .. I see. Would you .. if it isn't too much trouble, could you kindly tell my friend Cupil and I just where 'here' is?"

The creature was quiet for a moment before deciding it was okay to answer.

"The digital world."

Fina had certainly not heard of any such continent before.

"Digital ... World?"

"That's right. You must be one of those tamers." The creature seemed a little on-edge, Fina noted at that moment. She wasn't sure quite what he meant by 'tamer,' either ...

"Excuse me, but .. 'tamer'?"

"Our God, Yggdrasil, calls Tamers like yourself from different worlds, to come and save this one. You're stuck here, little missy."

Fina blinked.

She definitely wasn't in Crescent Isle anymore .. in fact, if this bunny-looking creature was telling the truth, she wasn't even in Arcadia anymore. And this, for some reason, instead of giving her a dreaded feeling, gave her ... hope.

"Is there any way to know if someone is here, um .."



Lunamon seemed to consider it. "I don't know much about this whole tamer thing, but you should have some device that can help you get in touch with tamers all over the Digital World."

Fina looked around, seeing a device laying not too far from where she had been previously laying, and noting the one that seemed to be around her arm now. She took the device into her hands, looking at it. She flipped it open.

A screen ... buttons. This ... this may help ..

Cupil made a sound, and Fina looked up to see Lunamon quite literally sitting on her lap, staring into her face. She jumped back and made a small squeak, dropping the device she had in her hands, her eyes widening. Lunamon peered at her for a few moments ... and then nodded his head, jumping off of her lap and starting to walk.

"I'll help you out of this place. Let's go."

Fina could quite honestly say that she had never, in her life, met a creature more odd.

character: vysethetamer, location: d'ango forest

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