
Oct 22, 2008 16:43

Who: Anyone and Everyone who'd have reason to be there
What: Creation Day Celebration
When: October 22nd, all day long
Where: Albion capital; Castle of the 13 Warriors

Despite the memory of the last major digital world celebration ending badly, it seemed that the first Creation Day in centuries was going to be a success. )

location: albion, location: albion: castle of the 13 warri, event: festival

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Comments 402

Raffle Winners Thread 1/? dive_npc October 22 2008, 22:04:22 UTC
Be it for the various competitions at the Tetha festival or his job as the Death Arena MC, Etemonkey was the go-to-'mon for any major events. And with several highly prized items going out to some lucky Tamers, he was the one who would be announcing the winners.

"Hey there, Tamers and Tamettes," announced the puppet digimon into his microphone. His stage was in the castle courtyard, making it the biggest and most noticeable event for the moment. "Tonight, at least one of you will be walking with one of these fabulous items! Wizzie, show em what's up for grabs!"


Raffle Winners Thread 2/? wizardssaynii October 22 2008, 22:12:23 UTC
"Why, I'd be glad to!" said Wizardmon, as he stood up and snatched Etemonkey's microphone away. Behind him, two Angewomon came out, carrying three items covered in a shroud.

"The first item," stated Wizarmon as the item was uncovered, "is one of the rarest items in the Digital World: A Digimental of Miracles. This Digimental can allow your partner to evolve to a digimon whose slightly stronger than the Perfect level, making it more powerful than standard digimentals."

Continuing on, the next item was uncovered. "Our second prize is a pair of King Swords, wielded in the past by the legendary golden dragon, OuRyuumon. These swords are unbreakable, and sharpened to the sharpest point... and they can each also unleash a wave of golden power. However, its strength is dependent on the level of its wielder."

"And now for the third item," stated Wizarmon, "the Dragon's Wings. Two pairs of wings fashioned in the image of a legendary dragon born after the emergence of the X-Antibody. In addition to allowing whoever it is equipped to fly, it ( ... )


Raffle Winners Thread 3/? dive_npc October 22 2008, 22:14:33 UTC
"Thanks for that, pointy hat," said Etemonkey as he took his mike back. "Now, the moment you've all been waiting for! The pulse pounding proclamation of the winners!"

One of the Angewomon walked up and handed Etemonkey an envelope.

"And those winners are...!"


Raffle Winners Thread 4/? wizardssaynii October 22 2008, 22:16:14 UTC

Etemonkey was cut off as he was suddenly covered in water, and then frozen in a block of ice... save for his mike and the envelope. Which was snatched away... by Sorcermon.

"Yes!" cried the white wizard as he opened the envelope. "The winners, are...!"


pastredeemed October 22 2008, 22:49:12 UTC
"Awww...! I wanted the Digimental..." Karin said, dejected after hearing the winners.

"All is not lost, Lady Karin." her DORUmon said. "I mean, both Samwise and Ben did get items, so they could aid us with those. And plus, they're giving us these other items to use!"

But, I wanted to be like Vivio-chan... Karin thought to herself

"Eh, no big loss for me..." Grif said, sucking down the last of a drink, then tossing it.

"Oh, stop being so gloomy! This is a triple birthday here!" Irma said, slapping the two on the back. "So, let's CELEBRATE!"


lonely_chosen October 23 2008, 00:01:05 UTC
"Aww... I was hoping Mom, Sasami or Hay Lin would have won the digimental..." Laura spoke after being sad about who won the raffle.

"Hey, no problem! It isn't like they need the stuff anyway..."

Laura sighed. "I know but I always wanted to see a real digimental at work..."


tamer_of_water October 23 2008, 01:17:47 UTC
"Well, HOPEFULLY, you won't have to worry about that for quite awhile!" Irma said.

"You think that there won't be trouble?" her Gomamon said.

"Hopefully, no, but, hey... we can dream!" Irma said.


uberlikehermama October 23 2008, 03:51:39 UTC
Vivio was having a blast at this party, even if she and Plotmon were the only ones that she had seen so far that she knew.

... At least until she saw Karin there. "Hi Karin!" she said, waving towards her friend and her friend's friends.


firebreathbaaad October 22 2008, 22:56:44 UTC

In Beast mode, Grimlock stood in front of an art display in quiet contemplation. It was colorful, bright, cheery...

And not at all what he was looking at a few minutes ago.

"Me Grimlock think that things get strange again," the T-Rex robot said to himself, cocking his head and staring at the painting in front of him.


onebotwrecker October 23 2008, 00:13:34 UTC
"You like it?" said a voice, from a mech that was also looking at the painting. "I've been doing some research into the digital world's art history... this is part of a movement called cube pixelism, and-"

Armadimon sighed, and interrupted his partner.

"Bulkhead. You realize you're talking to Grimlock, right?"


firebreathbaaad October 23 2008, 00:22:13 UTC
"Cube pixelism," Grimlock repeated to himself, and he tilted his head the other way. "Cube pixelism BAD!"

With a disgusted snort, Grimlock turned away from the painting to look at Bulkhead. "Robot look familiar," he said suspiciously.


onebotwrecker October 23 2008, 01:17:54 UTC
Bulkhead balked. Twice. Both at realizing who he was talking to and at what Grimlock said.

"Uh... I'm Bulkhead? You and your partner were living with us till a month or so ago...?"


sunsetsandwomen October 22 2008, 23:05:39 UTC
Docked some distance away from the main festivities, the Claudia disgorged her crew into Albion to enjoy the celebration.

Gilder, predictably, was at the head of the pack. With Willy on his shoulder and Muchomon at his side, the Blue Rogue Captain was fast to make his way to the main courtyard, where the dancing was.

"Ladies, make room on your dance cards," he annouced boldly as he stepped in. "Captain Gilder has arrived."


jacksmishaps October 22 2008, 23:42:36 UTC
It was, to the point that Jack Sparrow had also landed the Black Pearl and was dressed in his finest. Finest meaning that his crew, deciding that a little more decorum rather than being the dashing if sort of smelly pirate lord was needed.

Thus, the white shirt, well laundered pants and his hair released from their customary dreadlocks, Jack Sparrow looked well, if a little irritated.

"I 'aven't seen me curls in ages," he muttered, touching a lock on his head.

"Your HAT sir," smirked Gibbs, fully loving this as he handed Jack a hat -- not quite HIS customary hat but a hat nontheless.

Sparrow grumbled. Put it on, and made his way to the main courtyard.


tellmydad October 22 2008, 23:46:08 UTC
Jenny and Donna stood watching on the sidelines of the courtyard, as neither of them had ever danced before. At the sound of the word 'Captain', both of them perked their ears.

"D'you think he means military captain?" asked Donna.

"I doubt it," said Jenny skeptically.


sunsetsandwomen October 22 2008, 23:51:48 UTC
Only aware of the attractive blonde in the same way that Gilder was aware of ALL of the women in the courtyard, Gilder was already neck-deep in revelry. When Gilder celebrated, he did so with gusto.

"Jack, you clinging barnacle!" Gilder called out jovially as he spied the other captain. "Are you intent on showing up late wherever I go?"


fightersblood October 22 2008, 23:28:11 UTC
"Realize! ZWEIHANDER!"

Standing in a small clearing in one of Albion's parks, Sayu caught the blade's hilt - in her left hand, given she had her right in a sling to keep from hitting it against anything - reinforcing her strength with her Digi-Soul. Grinning a bit, she held it up to examine it.

"...yeah. I think I can work with this."

Palmon sat a short ways from the girl. Although she had basically disengaged herself from the majority of the crowd and her family with the excuse of trying out her new toy... well. At least she was out of the base, Palmon figured, which was certainly a good sign of... something.

He hoped, anyhow.


themonstergirl October 22 2008, 23:58:51 UTC
Kagura Yuma was definitely in better sorts than when she had arrived in the digital world - and that was partly due to the small, fox-tailed bundle of fur she now held in her arms.

Reremon had hatched several days prior, and though he didn't remember anything, his presence made Yuma open up and appear more confident. Which was why she was out and about tonight... she had promised to keep in contact with Kat regularly, as well.

So, as she walked around the festival, just getting used to being around people again... she started to feel a bit overwhelmed. So she went to the park, where there was less activity. This suit her fine for the moment...

... That was, until she caught sight of Sayu, and froze in place.


fightersblood October 23 2008, 00:09:40 UTC
Palmon was about to say something to his partner as he watched her swing the Zweihander around, getting used to its weight and feel...

Then he practically choked on his own words as he saw Yuma. He couldn't even make himself flail properly to warn her, and Sayu was blissfully oblivious of this. At least, until she spun around with the blade...

...and stopped dead, eyes wide as she saw Yuma. The sword's weight didn't abide by this sudden stoppage, though, and it wound up flying from her grip as its swing completed...

Flying narrowly over Palmon's head and embedding itself into the tree behind the Digimon.

Palmon just ... fell over.

While Sayu didn't notice, and continued to stare. "Yu... ma..."


themonstergirl October 23 2008, 00:11:44 UTC
Yuma just stared, shaking slightly as she stared at Sayu. What should she do? Should she bolt? Should she...

... Should she stay?

Her feet seemed to make her decision for her, as she walked forward with only a dim realization of what was going on.

"Hi-hi, Sayu..." she said, once she reached her... staring at the ground.

Reremon cooed happily.


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