Festival Week End / Hououmon's Destiny

Mar 22, 2008 00:20

Who: Open to All
What: Festival Closing Ceremony
When: March 22nd, Late Evening
Where: Phoenix Colosseum

Face your destiny. Do not turn away. )

plot: tetha riot, event: festival, plot: kuratageddon

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TARDIS THREAD legendarytamer March 22 2008, 05:57:16 UTC
"Do not let me or Kou or your partners out of your sight," Ryo ordered, realizing his whip from his D-Reader and lashing out at everything trying to kill them. Okay, Ryo liked fighting for his life a little more than the average person, but that was when he didn't have baggage people he cared about around him...

Molly stuck with him accordingly, but ignored the implied 'stay out of danger'. "Blizzard attack!"



"Beat Knuckle!"

Ryo gaped for a moment, then shook his head. They didn't have time to argue. "Okay: Molly, get everyone to the Forest. Don't go back for anything, just go straight to the lightpo--"

"Kiyoko!" Osamu interrupted, running for the apartment with Keramon hanging off his shoulder shooting out Crazy Giggles to defend his partner.

"WHY DO I ATTRACT THE CRAZIES?!" Ryo demanded of no one in particular.


Re: TARDIS THREAD fireflychyld March 24 2008, 16:05:51 UTC
"And just how long are we supposed to stay holed up in here?" Saturn asked, yanking the Kunai Blade out. As blood started to seep from the wound faster she cupped her hands around it, and the purple light of her healing ability sprang to life.

"Molly, MacKenzie and Ken have already escaped with their partners by now," she added, mentally crossing her fingers that their three other flatmates had made it out of Tetha alive. "Are we supposed to just leave them to worry about us remaining here?"


Re: TARDIS THREAD legendarytamer March 25 2008, 07:18:31 UTC
Anxious, Ryo watched Saturn heal Kou with a frown.

"I don't doubt your 1337 skillz or anything, but I'd rather get Osamu out of here."

Osamu raised an eyebrow as well as his voice. "Excuse me?"

"'Bla bla bla, all you've ever told me about the digital world is one fight after another, it's not safe for Ken,'" Ryo quoted at him without looking up. "Sound familiar?"

Osamu was on his feet in an instant. Oh, this was familiar, even if he hadn't had to look up so far back then.

"Ryo Rocher Akiyama, you hypocrite. My partner got to adult level or whatever you call it just like yours; what's the difference between you and I?"

He did not just use his full name!

"The difference between you and I?" Ryo repeated incredulously. "The difference is I'm armed, I can fight, and, oh yeah, I've been doing this kind of thing since 1945."

Osamu stopped to goggle at him. "You weren't even born in 1945!"

"Time travel sucks like that!" yelled Ryo. "You know what else sucks? Ken freaking out because his niisan ran off into a riot ( ... )


Re: TARDIS THREAD 3point14napple March 25 2008, 08:00:38 UTC
"Not long." Kou said, screaming as the blade ripped through more of his flesh. "Give it a day or two and the rioting should die down a bit. Besides, there was another reason for me to come back here." He said, shakily standing up and heading for his and Ryo's bedroom and grabbing his laptop. At hearing Osamu's comment he nearly wanted to challenge the kid to a fight...but that's all he was, a kid, and he was a lover, not a fighter at heart. He rolled his eyes, leaning against the doorframe lazily holding the laptop in one hand.

"You want me to track the bastard or not?"


Re: TARDIS THREAD legendarytamer March 25 2008, 09:20:51 UTC
Of course Ryo hadn't thought of that. Yes, he'd been pissed about Kurata, but that rage had been overshadowed by the need to get everyone to safety.

It was back now, slow-burning rather than blinding.

"Do it."


Re: TARDIS THREAD fireflychyld March 25 2008, 15:02:49 UTC
"So I'm guessing we're going to be staying here for the foreseeable future?" asked Saturn, taking a quick peek out the window.

The scene outside wasn't pretty.


Re: TARDIS THREAD 3point14napple March 26 2008, 06:46:39 UTC
"Unfortunately, yes. Hey, it wasn't your guys choice to stay here." He said, turning the laptop on and instantly begining to search through the code to find any hint, any clue.


Re: TARDIS THREAD fireflychyld March 26 2008, 15:08:23 UTC
"Well, we sure as hell weren't going to leave you two behind. We're kind of funny like that."

Saturn closed her eyes in concentration, and a couple seconds later Tomoe Hotaru was standing in her place again.

"How's your arm feel now?"


Re: TARDIS THREAD legendarytamer March 22 2008, 22:02:20 UTC
Ryo goggled in disbelief as Koushirou ran off.

"YOU'RE NOT THE DOCTOR!" he yelled after him, before turning to Saturn. "Sort of - O...whoa."

Molly sighed. It had happened again, hadn't it? Some pop cultural reference she didn't understand was flying over her head.

"Osamu went back for Kiyoko," she explained.


Re: TARDIS THREAD fireflychyld March 22 2008, 22:28:06 UTC
Saturn resisted the urge to facepalm, at both Ryo's goggling and Osamu. "And Koushiro-san just went back that way, too." She sighed; were all the guys she lived with idiots?

"The two of you, head for the Lightpost; I'll clear the way for as long as I can," she said, summoning another Silence Wall. Lunamon was also doing her part, sending Hydro Shoots into the crowd to push them back. "Do you want me to go back and try to haul them out of there?"


Re: TARDIS THREAD kindinshadows March 22 2008, 23:09:47 UTC
Wormmon had jumped out of Ken's arms as soon as the crowd turned hostile, an dhad been ready to start netting anything that came near them until Saturn had blocked off a space for them. "Will you be all right?" he asked.

"What about niisan?" Ken asked. "I can't leave my brother like that! And Koushiro as well."

"They both have their partners, Ken." Wormmon said. "And we can come back for them, or have Hotaru do it."

Ken looked to Ryo. Leaving his brother and one of his good friends in a city full of rioters just felt wrong.


Re: TARDIS THREAD legendarytamer March 22 2008, 23:34:44 UTC
Ryo was not a leader. He'd always flown solo in the digital world of his home universe, and when he'd met the other Tamers, he'd left the leading thing up to Takato.

For the first time in his life, Ryo really wanted some goggles.

Wormmon. Monodramon. Kumamon. Lunamon. Ryuudamon. Monodramon and Kumamon could get to adult. He had his weapons of choice, Hotaru was Sailor Saturn, Mack had her hockey stick, Ken knew judo, Molly had trained with Shego at least once. None of them had displayed digisoul on any occasion. Tentomon could get to adult level and Kou had his swords and digisoul.

Kou also had an alarming tendency to come back from any battle injured in some way.

But...the TARDIS?

"Ken," he said reluctantly, "Tentomon can get to adult level here; Wormmon can't."

The plan made itself, really.

"Molly, take Ken and Mack to the Forest; if at all possible take Kumamon to Blizz to get out faster, and I think you'll want to use those Faint Attacks you were telling me about ( ... )


Re: TARDIS THREAD kindinshadows March 22 2008, 23:52:08 UTC
Ken nodded as well. "Come on, Molly." It hurt a lot leaving his brother to the angry mob, but he just had to trust that Koushiro and Ryo would take care of him. And that all three of them, and Hotaru, and their Digimon would all come back from this all right.

That didn't make it easier, though.


Re: TARDIS THREAD fireflychyld March 23 2008, 01:46:14 UTC
Saturn also nodded, before summoning one last Silent Wall to give Ken, Molly, MacKenzie and their partners time to get well enough away.

"You ready to do this?" she asked Ryo.


Re: TARDIS THREAD hockeykixgal March 23 2008, 03:11:24 UTC
"Thumbs up LETS DO THIS!" Mack bellowed as she ran ahead, practically dragging Ken and Molly behind her. Noone else was dying because of her, and to do that they were going to have to move.

"Don't worry bout them, worry bout yourselves. Kou wouldn't be stupid enough to stay behind if he didn't have a plan and a surefire way to stay safe and Ryo's got the sailor scout." A Moosemon charged at them and Mack caught the antlers with her stick before kneeing it in the face. "SO WORRY BOUT YOUR OWN FUCKING ASSES AND GET THE FUCK OUT!"


Re: TARDIS THREAD queenofcrystal March 23 2008, 03:27:44 UTC
Molly nodded, running. "Kumamon, do you think you're up to--"

"Ready when you are!" Kumamon interrupted her. Seeing the telltale flash of green light from her D-Comm, he grinned. "Kumamon, evolve! ...BLIZZARMON! All aboard!"

Climbing up on her partner, Molly held out a hand to her flatmates and their partners. "Come on, we'll pull off a Faint Attack and get out of here!"


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