Title: Not sleeping anymore Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Under age sex, prostitution Fandom: Ultimate X-Men Summary: Jubilee doesn't sleep much anymore. Short story.
I think I'm gonna flesh it out a little more though, before I put it up anywhere else.
And yeah, well...dammit, she's about 13 when she starts living on the streets. In Ultimate, it's pretty damn obvious Wolverine doesn't find her. I harbour no illusions about the lives of streetkids, particularly the female ones, the way Marvel does.
Comments 3
And yeah, well...dammit, she's about 13 when she starts living on the streets. In Ultimate, it's pretty damn obvious Wolverine doesn't find her. I harbour no illusions about the lives of streetkids, particularly the female ones, the way Marvel does.
On a completely irrelevant subject, which do you like better out of the Terry Pratchett discworld novels; Mort or Theif of Time?
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