Title: Eden Rating: NC-17 Fandom: X-Men (X-Men: Genesis RPG) Pairing: Pietro/Wanda Maximoff Summary: In Eden, everything was innocent. Warnings: Consensual twincest. First times. Minors GETTING IT ON...with each other.
Hahaha, I'm glad it was good. ^^ I was going to come down today, but Dad didn't want to, and I didn't want to, and I knew that neither you or Talitha cared...so...
Comments 17
I'll happily be one of your enablers.
And I still owe you some kinda fic porn in return for Spiral/Marrow.
...And I need a porn icon. But, for now, we'll use Jono in bed.
You are one of my most loved enablers, m'dear.
Also Yay, shirtless Jono! Pretty.
*strokes and pets*
Canon!Paige never knew how good she had it.
And since we brought it up, the canon regret icon because it hurts so good.
*thumbs up for the icon*
Silly boy should have stuck to Angelo. ;)
MWAHs for the story. Just what I needed to brighten my crappy day.
And the song is from a video, I post a link in the other thread. ^^
Missed ya ^^
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