I'm going to attempt NOT to run out of bandwidth on my Photobucket account this time!
A Sunday at home in Michigan. One warning: nursing shot
The baby and I are up early. We head out to the living areas to let Daddy sleep in.
I take some time to admire my (mostly) emptied and cleaned kitchen. We had a massive cleaning and putting away frenzy that we haven't recovered from.
My baby is one (!) and playing with birthday presents.
"You know baby, you're making a lot of noise"
In hindsight, this was a bad idea. Cereal everywhere!
I look up some information.
Olive just enjoys the porch in the early morning.
More breakfasts for the baby, then he reads some books.
I attempt to put him down for a nap. No luck!
His caterwauling wakes up the Daddy, and we really start our day.
Daddy makes pancakes.
Breakfast was delicious, but messy. Baby requires a bath immediately afterward.
Post-bathing, he's finally tired and grabbing at me while I dress him.
I successfully put him down to nap.
The bird feeder was full at the beginning of the day. By the end, the birds have fought over and eaten every last bit of seed.
While baby is napping, we install his new car seat!
Olive gets some lovin'
Baby wakes cheerful and curious.
"Hey Daddy, whatcha' doin' with that vacuum?"
After lunch, we head to Lowe's to pick up seedling plants for our garden.
We're terribly behind this year and can't start many things from seed.
It's hot and muggy.
On our way home.
There's a break in the DITL here because I didn't bring the camera outside while planting.
After we're finished with the garden, baby is throwing tired fits and we both take a nap.
Nice bedhead.
We play around on the back deck while Daddy grills dinner.
Isn't it funny how the spontaneous meals are always the most tasty? I don't think we'll be able to replicate this delicious meal.
Baby spies my laden plate and follows me around. He's a bottomless pit.
We go for a walk, then enjoy a special dessert.
Time for babies to say goodnight!
Too much time in the heat and not enough water throughout the day leads to a splitting headache.
I clean up toys and head to bed myself.