Acylius/Aelia: Blue Roses (1sentence Theme Set Alpha)

Jan 19, 2012 00:00

TITLE: Blue Roses
FANDOM: Insektors
PAIRING: Acylius/Aelia
PROMPTS: Theme Set Alpha
SUMMARY: Past, present and future - the pacifist prince and the stunning scientist.
WARNINGS: Sappiness. Soppiness. Overindulgent fluff. Occasional pseudo-angst.
NOTES: This was a block breaking exercise, so anything that seems like it might need expansion probably does - because I came up with it on the fly. Some themes may overlap a little in content. Oh, and I tried to avoid sentences that would make any grammar nazis reach for their sporks, but I'm afraid I can't make any promises...

1. comfort
The web of tunnels under the Stump are a great comfort to Acylius - there’s something very reassuring about knowing that he can go see Aelia whenever he wants to.

2. kiss
Aelia’s heart fluttered as Acylius kissed her hands - the only thing that could have made that moment better would be if he’d kissed her lips instead.

3. soft
Fulgor isn’t sure if it’s an inbuilt talent for diplomacy or just the fact that Aelia’s so smitten with him, but either way, he’s incredibly grateful for Acylius’s ability to soften her when she’s mad.

4. pain
Watching Aelia recede into the distance was without doubt the hardest thing that Acylius had ever had to do, and he had to close his eyes in the hope that not being able to see it happen would lessen the pain.

5. potatoes
Sometimes Aelia’s experiments didn’t go so well: even Acylius couldn’t find anything good to say about the strange roots she’d managed to grow.

6. rain
Acylius had always thought of rain as the sky’s tears, and disliked it; it was Aelia who changed his views when she showed him the new growth after it had rained.

7. chocolate
Beauty, to Aelia, had always meant bright colours; it was only when she met Acylius, with his chocolate brown carapace, that she realised that beauty didn’t have to have such a narrow definition.

8. happiness
When Aelia told him that she wished that he could be happy all the time, Acylius took her hands in his and told her that his happiness was all the sweeter for not being constant.

9. telephone
Teknocratus’s latest invention was of considerable interest to Acylius - he could definitely see a benefit to being able to talk to people long distances away, and that benefit’s name was ‘Aelia’.

10. ears
Aelia couldn’t bring herself to believe her ears - it was only Acylius’s earnest expression, increasingly edged with uncertainty, that convinced her that, yes, he had just asked her to marry him.

11. name
When she first told him her name, he experienced a strong sense of satisfaction - it was only fitting that so beautiful a creature would also have a beautiful name.

12. sensual
The first truly sensual pleasure that Acylius experienced was the feeling of Aelia’s hand in his.

13. death
Peace between the Yuks and the Joyces had become Acylius’s primary concern - because only with the death of war would he have a chance to truly be with Aelia.

14. sex
Despite repeated insistence that it would be better if the child was male, Acylius truly did not care what sex his firstborn was - only that they were healthy.

15. touch
It was only when the moons touched the far horizon that Aelia and Acylius were able to bring themselves to let go of one another - dawn had to find the Yuk prince back in his room, or there would be trouble.

16. weakness
Certainly Krabo and the others thought that his feelings for Aelia made him weak - but Acylius knew, as he stared down the Koleoptor that was hovering over the stricken butterfly, that they were in fact what made him strong.

17. tears
It was only when the Yuk machines had vanished into the distance, taking Acylius with them, that Aelia could bring herself to go back inside - only then that she fled to her room and gave way to tears.

18. speed
Aelia considered it distinctly unfair that time plodded when Acylius was not present, and sped ridiculously fast when he was.

19. wind
When the wind blew from Flower City, Acylius could always be found at the top of the Stump, where he could close his eyes, smell the air, and dream that he was with Aelia.

20. freedom
Every time that Acylius thought he had gained his freedom, he found new chains - he longed for the day when duty and love would bring him to the same place.

21. life
The change that was apparent when Acylius was in Flower City compared to when Acylius was in the Stump had convinced Aelia - time spent in Yukdom was not living, only existing.

22. jealousy
Whenever he was with Fulgor, Acylius had to struggle against certain feelings of jealousy - after all, Fulgor was free, a Joyce, and got to spend as much time as he liked with Aelia.

23. hands
Aelia was shocked when Acylius joined the chorus of protests against her helping in the latest action against the Yuks - until he took her hands in his and told her, “Your hands are meant to create, not to destroy.”

24. taste
Acylius would never forget his first taste of terror - it was when he saw Krabo enter the throne room with a cage on the back of the Peripatetik.

25. devotion
The Great Pyro could only nod with satisfaction when he saw Aelia and Acylius holding hands - he knew he would never need to doubt the Yuk prince’s devotion to his daughter.

26. forever
Countless generations would pass, but the Prism would always remember the couple that repaired the divide between two races.

27. blood
There was blood dripping between Acylius’s fingers as he pressed them over the wound, but he still tried to smile and assure Aelia that it was only a scratch.

28. sickness
When Aelia fell ill, the first thing that Acylius did was march into his mother’s throne room and inform her that he would be staying in Joyce territory for some time - and that there would be consequences if she tried to remove him.

29. melody
Acylius had expected it to be hard to learn to dance - but the melody seemed to guide him, and it wasn’t long before he and Aelia were whirling in the sky as skillfully as any other couple.

30. star
Aelia gazed up at the night sky and hoped that Acylius was outside tonight - the stars seemed to be the only beauty that he would find in the City of Shadows.

31. home
Acylius had ceased to think of Yukdom as his home long before he first travelled to Joyceland, and meeting Aelia only cemented this - after all, home is where the heart is.

32. confusion
Acylius could hear the guards shouting in confusion as they tried to find him in the maze of tunnels that now stretched beneath the City of Shadows, and couldn’t suppress a smile: they shouldn’t have tried to stop him from seeing Aelia.

33. fear
Once, Aelia had simply accepted that there would always be conflict with the Yuks, but this has since become her greatest fear - because it would break Acylius’s heart, and hers, if they weren’t able to be together.

34. lightning/thunder
As lightning slid in sheets over the Prism’s surface and leaped into the sky, Acylius and Aelia drew back as one - and both fought their urge to reach for the other’s hand.

35. bonds
“I know that you’re frustrated, dear,” said the Great Pyro, “but the fact that you are unable to break the bonds that hold Acylius to Yukdom is no reason to destroy your laboratory.”

36. market
Trying to market the idea of peace to the Yuk people is a discouraging task to take upon yourself - but it only takes one look at Aelia’s face for Acylius to know that his efforts will be worth it in the end.

37. technology
It comes down to a trade of resources for technology, in the end, and the affair is finally settled to the satisfaction of everyone - and the boundless joy of Aelia and Acylius.

38. gift
“Nothing,” said Acylius, “will ever equal the gift of your presence in my life, Aelia.”

39. smile
One of the greatest joys in Aelia’s life is the smile that comes onto Acylius’s face when he sees her.

40. innocence
Aelia can see that trying to create peace between their two peoples is tearing away Acylius’s innocence, piece by piece, and she wishes that she could return it.

41. completion
For Aelia, the completion of each new project now brings a sense of sadness as well as satisfaction - because Acylius is only rarely around to witness her triumphs.

42. clouds
The clouds that gather over the sky in the City of Flowers as Acylius leaves again are nothing compared to the clouds that gather in Aelia’s heart.

43. sky
Among the many, many gifts that Aelia has given Acylius, the one that he treasures the most is the sky - because without her, he never would have learned to fly.

44. heaven
There is always a brief moment in his visits where they both forget that he will have to leave - those moments, with their promise of eternity, are their heaven.

45. hell
For Acylius, nothing equals the hell of finding out about some new war effort too late to warn the Joyces and knowing that Aelia will throw herself into the front line to defend her home.

46. sun
He climbs up to the top of the Stump and watches the sun rise, knowing that she is doing the same, and hoping, like him, that the day will come when they can watch it rise together.

47. moon
Soaring in the moonlight among the fireflies, hand in hand with Aelia, is an experience that Acylius can hardly credit - it seems too magical to be real.

48. waves
Gentle waves lap at Aelia’s carapace as Acylius slides into the pool and slips his arms around her waist.

49. hair
He watches the tiny green hairs sink into cracks, and smiles with satisfaction as Aelia’s gift begins its riotous growth through the corridor around Krabo’s room.

50. supernova
Colour blooms in supernovas in the sky above the Great Flower as the Joyces celebrate the ascension of King Acylius - and, of course, his new queen.

character: acylius, character: teknocratus, character: aelia, character: the great prism, character: the great pyro, fandom: insektors, character: krabo, community: 1sentence, character: fulgor, pairing: acylius/aelia

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