So we're trashing the old challenge since we didn't get any submissions, and I didn't want to extend it again.
This should be an easy challenge:
You are to icon either Warrior or Light, or Garland, or your icon(s) can display both.
01. You must be a logged in member to enter. Make sure you're logged in or else we won't know who submitted, or accept the icon(s).
02. Icon(s) must abide by the livejournal standards: 100x100 and no more than 40kbs.
03. You are allowed to use artwork aside from Official Dissidia created. Just remember that it has to be of the character representing their game. And absolutely under any circumstance is fanart, or any other character to be icon'd.
04. You are not allowed to showcase your icon(s) until the challenge is over.
05. You're also not allowed to submit icons made by someone else, and trying to pass them off as yours.
06. Three icons is the max amount that you can submit.
07. Textures, brushes, etc. are allowed to be used.
The special category for this challenge is: Best Use Of Colouring, under the circumstance that we receive enough icons and participants.
When submitting your icon(s), please submit them in this format: Cloud, Squall, Zidane, Tidus
(made by
Due date: Friday 7th at 11:59 GMT-7