Team/Group theme

Sep 06, 2010 17:43

Name: Jessi
Previously stamped as:
· Tidus (regular)
· Firion (mirror)
· Daggers (weapon)
· Quistis (cameo)
· Rikku (cameo mirror)
· Firion (matchmaker)
· Tidus/Zidane (matchmaker mirror)
· daggers (weapon mirror)
· Typhon (summon)
· Sandy (summon mirror)
· Battle 1 -FFV- (song)
· Bartz's regular (outfit)

10 adjectives to describe yourself:
Laidback, friendly, enthusiastic, hard-working, competitive, critical, lazy, ambitious, open-minded and energetic.
Is there a personality trait you would like to change/work on?:
Definitely my laziness. It's a big motivation-stopper and currently I'm stuck in a hard place with a documentary write-up, an essay and coursework due for Friday but I'm too TIRED to bother with it. I have that mindset of 'if it's here today, it'll still be there tomorrow!' that I apply to schoolwork especially lol, so yes, definitely my laziness.
What traits do you admire in others?:
Probably the ability to just focus on one thing and work work work 'till it's done.
What type of people you tend to get along with?:
People who are light-hearted, can take jokes and are open and honest when it comes to talking about stuff. Probably leaning more towards the 'open and honest' thing though actually, because when I think about it, a lot of my IRL friends aren't cheerful all the time or ~light-hearted to be around, but we still get along because we don't neccessarily hide things from eachother, like feelings and stuff.
...and what type of people you tend NOT to get along with?:
The overly serious kind. And people who complain all the time. It brings out the worst in me lol, as in, I'll feel the compulsive need to argue back and be overly-joke-y to compensate for their lack of humour.
Do you mind getting "Lone Fighter" stamp?:
Nope, not if that's what you see.

[ What are your views on... ]
You need it in some situations. Lol, probably not entirely relevant to this question but in video-games teamwork just makes it more fun! I don't know, things can seem more exciting and fun if you're doing it with other people.
Friendly rivalry?
All the time~ I have this IRL friend who I constantly try to beat in exams in our Socio class, lol. Even though we always get the exact same marks (weird, no?) regardless of whether we revise/bullshit our way through the exam.
Playing dirty?
If the situation calls for it :P
But for the most part, I'll play fair. Unless it's a life/death situation, in which case, screw the rules.
Humanity as a whole?
Well when I look at MySpace and Tumblr, my faith in humanity withers that little bit more, but on the whole we're doing alright.

[ Your own adventure... ]
Imagine this is your own story, tell us what is it that you're fighting for, your goals and what is your story about?:
Not even gonna lie, but I'm the kind of person who wouldn't really *do* anything for a greater cause unless the opportunity was waved in front of my face on a stick, soooooo the chance to save the world from evil and all that? Meh, maybe some other time. Oh what's that? Some other guys are helping too and it'll be like an ~adventure? Well okay then~
In your story, Is there something that motivates you in moving forward and not giving up?
Lol, I don't think I'd think that far ahead to the future, even in this situational ~story xD

[ Teamwork time! ]
Even when in a group, do you often want to do things on your own?
Is it alright if others in your group have different goals from you?
Yeah. Not my place to judge anyway, and as long as the end result for the both of us is the same then there's no problem.
Regardless of the previous answer, are there and traits or goals that could cause you to refuse to even considering joining up with them?
Well, world destruction and illegal activities are a huge turn off for me...
Do you want to have fun on the way or to only focus on the next task?
Lol, sounds kind of juvenile, but if it wasn't fun then I'd honestly lose interest fast.
If one of your group members was in danger, would you want to try to help them?
Of course. We're a team, so the unwritten rule is to look out for each other.
After it's all over, do you hope to keep in touch and meet them again?

4 applications you have voted on: (Do NOT recycle links)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Voters! You can find all the available options here.

team: bartz/squall/zidane

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