Name: Diana
Age: 21
[You prefer your style to be more...]
Stylish or Comfortable: Stylish but comfortable, i couldn't stand wearing an outfit that looks ugly to me but i'd feel bad if i couldn't move around with it, i want it to be pretty but practical
Dark or Bright: Not too dark nor too bright, i like things with a certain balance, i think dark colors are beautiful but bright ones might hurt the eyes so somewhere in between
Risqué or Conservative: Hm a mixture, with a bit of risqué with conservative, it won't kill heheee
Sophisticated or Simple: Simple
Please describe your style. (What type of clothes do you prefer, what are you favorite colors when it comes to clothing etc.): I prefer clothes that are feminine and elegant but at the same time simple to wear, something i can grab and toss to my pile of clothes and wear it and look good (yeah because as soon i get home i dont care if i look good or not, just throw the clothes and grab the pj <3), usually i wear pinks, blue, white, red and at times i wear black (thou i try not to wear much black nowadays, it kinda kills the mood even if i look good in it 8U), i also try to wear a little lilac from now and then. Hm in summer i go a lot with dresses, i don't like wearing jeans with the heat that we have here so usually i just go with short or long dresses, quite flowy and girly, and in the winter i wear jeans, boots, skirts, tights, shirts and winter dresses, usually they have more sober coloring than the summery ones
Any outfit you would prefer not to get? Armors, seriously who the hell can move with those >:
OPTIONAL! Feel free to post a few pictures (can be from the net) showing your style but please be honest.!BvvKm0gBGk~$(KGrHqIOKkYEwPTKcfjNBMFy0IkuSw~~_3.JPG Pictures: Current applications you have voted on:
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