
Jan 09, 2010 17:14

Name: Kimberly
Age: 17

【 ABOUT YOU... 】
Please describe your personality: Quiet, analyzing but also fun loving and a bit childish if that makes any sense. I'm a bit eccentric and crazy idealistic- I tend to be kind of black and white about good and evil.
Some of your likes: Books! Good storytellers, tragedy stories (like shakespeare).
and some of your dislikes: Wool, people who speak too loud, horror movies (not even the bad ones) and those really fancy phones like blackberries (look around you and live in the real world people)
Five negative traits of yours: Sometimes I'm too straightforward, nothing ever fazes me, I tend to keep people at a distance at first, I don't want any help (with anything) and I speak too soft.
Five positive traits of yours: Good listener, good advice giver too (at least no complaints yet), a pretty good writer (in my native language though), I think before I act, I don't care about winning or losing...
What is the first impression that you give to others? I friend told me I seemed serene and mysterious when she first saw me.
give some adjectives people close to you use to describe you: Calm, eccentric, creative, idealistic.
Is there any character you strongly oppose to being voted as (if there is,pick only ONE): Squall :)

【 THIS or THAT 】
Are you...(feel free to give a little explanation)
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic. When I'm down I'll cry about it and then I'll move on.
Cautious or Impulsive: Cautious.
Calm or Hyper: Calm
Mature or Immature: A little bit of both but if I had to choose I think mature.
Safe or Brave: Safe!
Outgoing or shy/reserved: Reserved but definetly not shy.
Hardworking or Laid-Back Hardworking, I used to be lazy, then one day decided I didn't want to be that kind of person (though I still get ill a lot)
Confident or Insecure/Doubtful: Confident
Light-hearted or serious: Also a little bit of both but more light-hearted. However when it's time for businness it's time to get serious.

What is your fighting style? Do you plan ahead? Defend and support your team? An offensive fighter or something else?: I'd rather not fight but I'll be a shaolin monk (I take shaolin classes) defending and supporting my team while landing a good punch or two. I'd plan ahead because I'd never let my friends get hurt. Taking risks on my own while being in a team is selfish.
What motivates you to fight? Would it be for the sake of the world, for someone you care about, for a specific desire, for yourself?: I'd fight for the sake of the world. Always.
Are you the type to taunt your opponent during a fight, or just get the job done without speaking much?: Get the job done. I don't have any personal beef with them.
If you had to face a much stronger opponent, what would your thoughts be? Would you develop a strategy or rush into the battle and hope for the best?: Don't rush! If I die who will safe the world then!....Unless there's no time, then I'll rush and think of a strategy while withstanding a few blows.
Do you enjoy conflict or do you seek to end battles as quickly as possible? End it as quick as possible. Conflict's no good :S.
Are you the type to work for another, be the leader, or work solo?: I'd be fine with anything depending on the situation. If I was the most experienced I'd be the leader, if I wasn't I'd follow. If only I could do it, I'd work solo even if it'd be hard on my own.

You're in the middle of a very important battle, but your friend/partner is deeply wounded. You have a chance of winning if you continue fighting, but their wounds look pretty severe... Do you finish the battle or help your friend and flee/lose?: Those who run away live to fight another day. Who cares about winning? my friend is hurt so FLEE!
Someone just ordered you to take an important but risky mission where there is no guarantee you will succeed. You had been given a chance to decline, but there are great benefits if you do succeed. Would you accept or decline it? If it's important I'll do it. Even though I'd be scared to death hehe.
You're standing on the street when an old lady comes and asks you to help her. How do you react? Go along with it, ignore her, punch her in the face...?: Help her, what kind of question is that.
You've obviously been chosen by one of the gods for a reason, but how do you feel about this? Are you honored? feel as if your freedom has been taken away? wish you could throw them off a cliff?: I'd be honored and do my best!
Someone you don't recognize is in mortal danger. They could die if you don't help, but they might be on the opposite side of the conflict... what do you decide? Help them, perhaps the person will have like... a change of heart and join my team 8D. I heard them dark powers are WOWZAH!

Pick the ones that apply to you

[ ] Death
[ ] Destruction
[x] Family
[x] Friendship
[ ] Fun
[x] Honour
[x] Hope
[ ] Knowledge
[ ] Power
[ ] Romance/Lust
[ ] Love

Applications you've voted on:

stamped: firion

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