I see so much Zidane in you! Especially in the 【 ABOUT YOU... 】 and 【 THIS or THAT 】. Both sections, to me, had a lot of Zidane vibes! You and Zidane have very similar personalities, and your interests (lazy summer days, spending time with family and friends) seem to line up perfectly c: (And of course, the being flirtatious set off a Zidane flag in my head :D ) Also, the 【 GET READY TO FIGHT! 】caught my attention, too. Zidane is a quick fighter, and even though he's more double-blade than magic, your reasons for fighting match up well!
I definitely see a lot of Zidane and Bartz, and many of your traits could apply to both... Neither of them are that indecisive, but I think that aspect of your personality as well as your fighting style apply more to Bartz. He is pretty decisive about that which really matters, but for the most part he just wanders from one town to the next without a clear decision about what to do next. He's very laid-back and 'chill' but is far from stoic, quite social even around those who may be intimidating to others (ex: Faris, Squall), and I think he'd share your sentiments about preferring to avoid a situation where he would have to be mean. Personally, I'd describe him as quirky in the best possible way, and he is pretty mature in spite of it all
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I can definitely see both Zidane and Bartz here, although I think I'm leaning the most towards Bartz overall! There's not much I can add to the_404_error's excellent reasoning though. O_O Overall, how you described your personality, answers to the "THIS or THAT" section, and answers to both the Fight and Scenario questions just seem like they'd fit really well for Bartz to me. :D
I admit, I was at a loss for who to vote you as, but after reading the_404_error's fantastic reasoning, I really can't argue with Bartz. Reading back over your application, a lot of things do really fit. You put value in family/friendship, fun, hope and love, which are things I see him putting value in as well. He's outgoing and sociable, not afraid to approach others - which is a strong impression I get from you, and laid-back/light-hearted. You can step up and get down to business when it's required of you, but otherwise... I can't really imagine him enjoying conflict either.
I can see the Zidane, but your answers make me think you're much calmer than he is. I thought of a few different characters, but after reading the past votes, I have to say that Bartz should probably take the cake. There are certain parts, especially your answers to the Either/Or section, that fit him almost to a T.
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