Who: Terra (Open)
When: After the battle
Where: Beyond Order's Sanctuary. She will begin in the Crystal World, but go from there to train in any neutral territory. (Just don't expect her to travel through Ulti's Castle.)
What: Wandering/training
Type: Action or Log (Starting as a log, but I'm really fine with either one.)
Notes/Warnings: Possible violence, no limit to threads allowed. Onion Knight might arrive at any moment, since he's busy playing bodyguard.
That Comsos' forces had been victorious during the last battle came as a relief, though Terra was not about to let her guard down. She knew that this was a critical time, and that allowing herself to become careless could result in another incident which would necessitate her rescue. The very thought made her wince; that disaster could not be allowed to happen again.
Determined not to be a burden to her side, Terra ventured out of the sanctuary. She had spent enough time within, and knew that she needed to resume a strict training schedule. Curiousity about Cosmos' possible appearance and that new building would have to wait.
With that in mind, Terra departed the sanctuary, peering around as she entered the Crystal World. Since the Lunar Subterrane was now but a memory, this was one of her favorite realms. Still, she knew better than to relax; outside the sanctuary, every area was a potential battleground.
The direction that would take her to Ultimecia's Castle was avoided, for now. Terra knew she would have to overcome her fear of that place at some point, but she couldn't do it alone. So, instead, she would make her way towards Dream's End...and from there, to as many realms as she could visit without tiring.