Aug 02, 2010 22:42

[A voice will come to you, echoing softly in the air around you. It sounds sympathetic, like she sees and understands your every hurt.]

If you found yourself unable to match the strength of the enemy in the battle we've seen, I await you. Here. [For an instant, your communications crystal flashes bright, as if to get your attention. This image is seen, once you look into it. It's the Citro Plains--one of the new maps.

That's all she'll say, though.

If your character is weaponless or otherwise vastly underpowered, go ahead and head on over. Each person will find themself totally alone on the plains except Cosmos, who sits in the flowers with her legs bent and a peaceful expression on her face.

If your character isn't underpowered? Feel free to try and take advantage of this anyway, she'll just probably reject you.]

hildegard von krone [soul calibur], squall leonhart [final fantasy viii], tseng [final fantasty vii], !cosmos, saleh [fire emblem], sephiroth [final fantasy vii], terra branford [final fantasy vi]

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