| 001 | Video | Filtered to Cosmos |

Jul 13, 2010 20:12

[Despite the olde time period she's from, Hilde's posture and attitude as the crystal flickers on are as professional as they are in person, with no sign of uncertainty as she bows her head slightly and curtsies to the screen.]

People of Cosmos:

My name is Princess Hildegard von Krone. As you all know, we face the prospect of battle in only a few days' time. I speak to you concerning those among us who may not be prepared for such a feat: civilians, and any not experienced with war. Organization and preparation are priority, and so I beseech those of you whom I have just mentioned: please step forward and present yourself. We seek to protect those who need it, and on my honour, we will work to ensure that all of you are well guarded and protected.

While I seek to separate soldier from civilian, we will also require helping hands behind the lines. More than simply your cooperation, we need your assistance--any who are not battle-ready, but have other skills to contribute are desperately needed in these circumstances. Those of medical profession, any willing to act as scouts or guards; both fighters and non-fighters alike will require supplies, and so any culinary talent, any blacksmith or tailoring knowledge, will be valuable to our cause. Please, do not hesitate to come forward--do not think that your experience cannot be used in this situation. Any and all help is appreciated and needed.

[She smiles and inclines her head again.] I thank you for your time. [And then the screen goes blank.]

[ooc; Mooooods~, Hilde needs a tag here, please~]

hildegard von krone [soul calibur], saleh [fire emblem], sephiroth [final fantasy vii]

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