Challenge 385

Jun 27, 2015 23:13

- You may submit up to 4 icons by SATURDAY, July 4th (or until voting is posted on the next day ( Read more... )

technical, challenge, 385

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Comments 4

anonymous June 29 2015, 23:09:04 UTC
gribouille June 29 2015, 23:13:32 UTC
Hi ! Sorry to bother you, but the border on your last icon is not very visible, maybe it's my computer but would you mind making it slightly thicker/more obvious ? Thanks and sorry about that ^^;;;


anonymous June 29 2015, 23:32:29 UTC
gribouille June 30 2015, 09:58:42 UTC
Thanks a lot, I can see it better now, and sorry again !


neaptidea July 9 2015, 13:05:47 UTC
Hi, I was wondering if it's ok that I edit the other icon? I don't want you to go through a lot of trouble if you've copied and saved mine already, but I'd like to fix it a little bit if possible.


gribouille July 9 2015, 16:47:47 UTC
Nope, you're fine ! Fix as much as you'd like :)


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