Special Challenge: Mood Themes (Part 3)

Nov 10, 2009 12:22

Before LIMS Round 9 starts up (which eotheod will be running :D), I thought I'd fit in another mood theme challenge.

- You may submit up to 3 sets by Tuesday, December 1st Saturday, December 12th, 10:00pm CST.
- You may not include any text or animation in your icons. Symbols such as !, @, *, ? and similar are not allowed. Tiny (unreadable) text is fine.
- textures/brushes etc are fine.
- blending is allowed.
- You must post the set itself & the URL to the set.
- You must post your sets in a comment to this entry.

You'll be making up to 3 sets of 5 moods (a total of 15 icons). The 5 moods are: Confused, Jealous, Nerdy, Giggly, and Mellow.

The images must be 50x100 pixels and you must make one for each mood in each set. The sets should also follow a theme of some sort, either all black and white, or all your mood images could come from the same movie, or feature the same character... something that ties them together. If you participated previously, feel free to continue with the same themes or mix it up.

Here is the "form" for the sets, please paste your mood icons into this image and then submit the total image and the direct URL for that image. Do not edit the this template at all (except for adding the images). Your images should just barely cover the boxes.

If you aren't sure about anything, don't hesitate to ask.

Community links:
Challenge 169 (Cinderella's dress) is open
suggest a challenge
current and past challenges

• current entry count: 11

challenge, mood themes

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