Challenge 148

Jun 05, 2009 00:09


- You may submit up to 3 icons by Thursday, June 11th, 9:00pm PST.

- You may not include any text or animation in your icons. Symbols such as !, @, *, ? and similar are not allowed. Tiny (unreadable) text is fine.

- textures/brushes etc are fine.
-You may not use live action caps for this challenge.

- blending is allowed.

- You must post the icon itself & the URL to the icon.
- You must post your icons in a comment to this entry.

Theme: Minor Characters with Impact on the story suggested by jellostar

This challenge is pretty open to interpretation. Make an icon of a character that impacts the story, but isn't one of the main characters. This is a chance to icon some of the great characters who don't fall into the typical categories of hero, heroine, villain, or sidekick. Other characters may be in the icon but the minor character must clearly be the focus.

Edit: I'm thinking this challenge needs a bit more clarification. Its a tricky one. Its pretty open to interpretation so there is going to be a lot of gray areas. As long as your icon isn't a definite hero, heroine, villain, or obvious sidekick I'll take it.

Sidekicks are going to be iffy. A lot of them can be argued for as minor characters or as sidekicks. Some like abu, timon and pumbaa, flouder, etc. are unacceptable because they are obvious sidekicks. The mice in cinderella amd servants in Beauty and the Beast kind of fall in that gray area.

The main purpose of this challenge is to icon some of those characters that don't get iconed very often because they played such a small role in a movie and often aren't the theme of regular challenges.

Sources: Magical Screencaps

Community links:

suggest a challenge

current and past challenges


• current entry count:

148, theme, challenge

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