- You may submit up to 3 icons by Friday, August 1st, 10:00pm PST.
- You may not include any text or animation in your icons. Symbols such as !, @, *, ? and similar are not allowed. Tiny (unreadable) text is fine.
- textures/brushes etc are fine.
- blending is allowed.
- You must post the icon itself & the URL to the icon.
- You must post your icons in a comment to this entry.
Theme: Objects of Desire suggested by
filmowe This week make an icon of your objects of desire. There all icons of objects that people are deperately trying to get in many of the Disney movies. Pick you object of desire and icon away.
Note: Characters can not be the object of the desire. You may have characters in your icon as long as the icon is clearly focused on the object of desire.
djcapslock Community links:
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current challenges Notes:
• all winners, unless specifically requested, will be nominated at
wd_awards at the end of the month :)
• current entry count: