Name: Sara
Age: Fourteen
Previously stamped as: Jasmine, Peter Pan, Simba
Describe your personality: I'm an
INFP (Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) and it really fits me! My moods affect my personality a lot; I go from hyper one minute, then closed-off the next. I'm also a huge klutz and tend to space out a lot. I'm shy and somewhat socially-inept, lol. I would say that I'm a loyal friend, and affectionate to people close to me. I guess I'm a people-pleaser, because I always try to make everyone in the group happy. I'm a lot more fun in the company of my close friends and family-- I'm pretty silly and loud around them, although I do get into a lot of trouble because I don't always think before I act or speak. I'm a good listener (but not much of an advice-giver). I'm also a weird mix of idealist and realist, if that's possible-- I want everything to turn out well, but I'm prepared to face the consequences if they don't.
Positive adjectives: quirky, affectionate, loyal, responsible (if needed), intelligent (at least my classmates tell me so :O), fun-loving.
Negative adjectives: moody, shy, lazy, short-tempered, stubborn, self-conscious.
Determined or Accepting: Accepting most of the time, but I am determined if I truly believe in something.
Making your own Destiny or Accepting Fate: Making my own destiny!
Brave or Safe: Safe.
Pacifist or Temperamental: While I'm temperamental half the time (I often have mood swings and I'm prone to having outbursts of anger when I'm pissed), I'm generally a pacifist. I don't like conflict, or war.
Quiet or outspoken? Quiet around unfamiliar people, sometimes to the point that I fail to voice out my opinions. I tend to be more outspoken (and somewhat obnoxious and loud XD) around friends.
Tomboy or girly? Girly, fo sho!
Leader or follower? Follower, mostly because I fear that I'll let people down as a leader.
Are there any characters that you are nothing like/don't relate to from the choices? Hmmm... Lola, maybe? I like her spunk, but I'm not as confident as her.
Post a picture of yourself:
here.Anything else?
Here are the options for the Live-Action Heroines theme. :)