[How odd that a place so stubbornly turned away from the Lord would have its own house of God, and yet here is the Beata Maria Chapel, a safe haven in what can only be the setting of Frollo’s personal nightmare. And now, with the arrival of the Strangelings, it has become unimaginably worse
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Thoughts of Mass-- of severe men in vestments speaking Latin-- brought her no comfort. Talk of God and Heaven? Didn't help her troubled mind. No, Helga Sinclair had firmly left the Church long ago, and she saw no reason to return.
Still, the place was something to occupy her. It gave her something to do-- something that wasn't "sit around and try to think." All her tangents of research had, so far, brought her nothing.
So it was that she slunk through the chapel, examining familiar icons. All very grand-- Catholicism always was. She saw the man before the altar and said nothing. Someone else might have quietly bowed out, leaving him to her prayers. Helga didn't disrupt him, but she also didn't allow his presence to shoo her away.]
...Though something on the altar caught her eye. She resisted approaching, but she watched... whatever it was with a careful eye and a small frown.]
However, she didn't expect to see a man completely engulfed in prayer, staying some strange words over and over again. Lottie's curiosity trumped her common sense. She walked towards him.]
You alright there, sugah?
It is rude to disturb a person's quiet contemplation with the Lord.
It sure wasn't quiet though...
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle;
be our defense against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him,
we humbly pray.
And do thou,
O prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God
cast into hell
Satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Are you done yet?
Frollo's pitiful praying makes her snicker more than she imagined. She flies gently, with a wicked smile and appears before him.]
You can't seriously expect for him to hear you out.
[She stands on the ground, and walks towards him slowly, with smoke surrounding her body.]
Such a believer. After seeing a god with your very eyes, you should be glad.
You can do me no harm here, demon, [he spits angrily.] Begone!
[This was far worse than the fool or the demon, but the very reason he was praying so desperately for the sake of his soul... why was she everywhere he went?]
Witch! What is the meaning of this?!
I was just wondering what it looked like in here.
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