[How undignified. To receive a
punishment was entirely beneath him in the first place, let alone one that required him to wear the most
ridiculous of clothing he'd ever set his eyes on.
Xerxes, ever loyal, busied himself with a cloth in his mouth, wiping the dust from the frames of the large works of art that decorated the hall. He occasionally let out a large sneeze, which his Master ignored.
He growled low under his breath and found himself scrubbing the same spot over and over again. He paused to reach up and wipe the perspiration off of his forehead with a deep sigh. This type of work was truly for peasants.
At least the Hoover Hall side of the school was quiet. It would have been extra irritating to deal with the fools of Joe West - such as Aladdin. They would have no reason to come to this side to find him mopping the halls would they?]