Rumble II Round Two - Voting

Jul 28, 2015 19:09

Skipping: moonshinefaerie,

No icon entered (= forced skipping): candream, cool_spectrum, emharri, esgeee, personaleclipse, surmise, tarienemrys

You have until next Friday night to vote (results will be posted on Saturday).

Treasure Planet (+ Frames)




You must vote for your three favourite icons, as well as for the icon that best fits the special category. Reasons are optional but appreciated.

Depending on the results, points will be awarded as follows : 6 points for 1st place, 4 points for 2nd place, 3 points for 3rd place, 3 points for the special category and 2 points for Mod's Choice.

You also get 1 point for voting.

You can vote even if you did not enter an icon for this round, and you will still get one point for voting !

Please use this template:

1st place: # - optional reason
2nd place: # - optional reason
3rd place: # - optional reason
Best Crop: # - optional reason

rumble ii, voting, treasure planet

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