Challenge 378

Mar 22, 2015 13:23

- You may submit up to 3 sets of 3 icons by SATURDAY, March 28th (or until voting is posted on the next day)
- You may not include any text or animation in your icons. Symbols such as !, @, *, ? and similar are not allowed. Tiny (unreadable) text is fine. Text present on the original screencaps is not allowed either.
- Textures/brushes etc. are fine.
- Blending is allowed.
- You must post your icons in a comment to this entry.
- You must post the icon itself & the URL to the icon.

Set: Past, present and future
We haven't had an "icon sets" challenge in a while, time to change that !

Each one of your set much contain three icons. The first one represents the past, the second one the present, the third one the future. The interpretation of that is entirely up to you !

The sets can be comprised of icons from the same movie, or from different movies/universes alltogether. You can even mix live action and animated movies ! (or have only live action, or only animated...) All Disney movies and TV shows are allowed, and that includes Disney-released Marvel movies (that's anything from Iron Man 2).

Just so you know, you'll have to vote for your three favourite sets, and for your favourite icon(s) (how many icons that is will depend on how many we receive).

I hope this inspires you !

icon sets, 378, challenge

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