Challenge 374 (+ Challenge 373 extension)

Feb 21, 2015 22:33

First things first : exceptionally, since it was asked for, I decided to allow up to 5 icons to be posted for the Last Disney movie you watched challenge. So if you really loved that movie and have some extra icons, or if you haven't posted them yet but want to make some more, feel free ! To allow for this, I'll extend it slightly : you now have until Monday night to post your icons (I'll post the voting sometime on Tuesday).

And now, on to the next challenge !

- You may submit up to 3 icons by SATURDAY, February 28th (or until voting is posted on the next day)
- You may not include any text or animation in your icons. Symbols such as !, @, *, ? and similar are not allowed. Tiny (unreadable) text is fine. Text present on the original screencaps is not allowed either.
- Textures/brushes etc. are fine.
- Blending is allowed.
- You must post your icons in a comment to this entry.
- You must post the icon itself & the URL to the icon.

Technical challenge: Off with their heads !
Time for something slightly different : for this challenge, your icons must be cropped so that only part of the character's head appears. It doesn't matter which part, as long as the rest is clearly cropped out, and the "cut" can be done horizontally or vertically. It's also ok if the character ends up completely "headless".

Here are a few examples from past winners :

cool_spectrum / lovedbyahero / that_was_cheesy

gribouille / lhanii / prettypictures

374, technical, challenge

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