[There's a bit of a static fuzz, then some feedback noise, and then the sound of a cat meowing before the camera finally settles on Milo's nervous face.]
H-Hi everyone! Milo Thatch here. Some of you might remember me and uh... some of you might be new. Or never met me or-- er, nevermind.
[He shook it off, and smiled brightly when he thought of
Read more... )
How have you been doing?
[ Considering she's on the tail end of a rescue. ]
Saw that you decided to take your time.
[He flinched at that, looking away with a bit of a guilty look.]
Yeah. I just... yeah. [He really had no good excuse for it. :|]
[ Her tone is playful, of course. It was the truth. ]
Whitmore had other ideas.
[ Her tone is deadpan. She wouldn't admit it, but there's a shred of decency in her that cares for the city. After all, it was a gorgeous place. She wasn't, however, fond of the idea of the linguist losing his leading lady to the Mist. he may have been an idiot, and a main factor in her failure, but she'd seen how far he'd come. Whether that was friendship or just being common enemies of the Mist, she didn't ponder the fact. ]
She'll probably tell you more than you think she will.
[ Considering the crystal and all---Helga brought to mind what the last siege brought to the school, and what it did to whom. Figures the Princess would come first to mind as most unpredictable. ]
Do you know any other Atlanteans within arms reach, Thatch?
T-That's... oh man. [No wonder he didn't think of that. It would be such a hard thing to ask!]
I should, I just... that's...
I think that she also depends on the crystal to live.
You can do the math, Thatch.
[ She can already sense the hostility. ]
[He's mad, but she's not the target. He paused, then just sighed in frustration.]
I know.
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