That has got to be some of the most satisfying written porn I've had the pleasure to read in a while. The kind of unashamed enjoyment I ache to read more often.
I've been searching the 'net for good sexy reads lately, because I've been feeling a real need for it and finding that writing it isn't as easy as I thought it would be (precisely because I so rarely read it, I'm betting), and let me tell you, the interweb is full of porn but not, seemingly, full of stuff that caters to my flavors of kink. And it's weird, because I'm not really THAT kinky.
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I've been searching the 'net for good sexy reads lately, because I've been feeling a real need for it and finding that writing it isn't as easy as I thought it would be (precisely because I so rarely read it, I'm betting), and let me tell you, the interweb is full of porn but not, seemingly, full of stuff that caters to my flavors of kink. And it's weird, because I'm not really THAT kinky.
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