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Comments 13

cuquet July 15 2007, 09:30:38 UTC
Funny how only 6 people think that Harry is going to die. I have this feeling that this is how the series end. And it seems as if the fandom is coming to terms with that idea too.

Anyway, the guardian posted the begining of Deathly Hallows here:


You have to scroll down to read it :) I think it's the real thing (since it's the Guardian). Maybe you could make a post or something so we can discuss it (if people want to read them of course, I know some people want to run from spoilers ;P). Anyway, just wanted to point it out :)


imaginarycircus July 15 2007, 16:15:31 UTC
I totally think Harry COULD die. I just really really don't want him to. I am 50% sure it WILL happen. I just don't want it to. I really think anyone could die in this last book. I don't think there is a single death that could surprise me. The only thing that would surprise me? Voldemort surviving - or the last seven years being a dream. I will burn all my books if that is the case -- which I am sure it will not be.


cuquet July 15 2007, 21:52:04 UTC
The only thing that would surprise me? Voldemort surviving

Hmmm...I have this theory...Maybe it's a bit stupid but...What about him being mugglefied? Losing all his magic, turning into a squib/muggle? It would be the death of Lord Voldemort as we know him, he would become Tom Riddle. Dumbledore told him once that there are worst things than death and I believe that becoming a muggle would be 934875928374587 times worse than dying (at least for Voldemort). Another thing that kind of worries me is that up till now Harry is unable to cast any unforgivables because he can't collect the anger necessary to cast them. So, how is he going to kill him? I know he'll probably die but I like to think of other ways :)

the last seven years being a dream

OMG! If that happens I'll devote my entire life to hunt J.K.Rowling down and make her write the last book again fullfilling all my personal wishes (and including me as a Mary-sue XD) and telling everyone that the first version was a joke or a fake.


imaginarycircus July 16 2007, 00:55:38 UTC
I will carry your weapons if that is the case. I'm pretty handy with map and compass.

That is an interesting theory, but I don't think JKR has that sort of subtlety. Especially since so much of this story hinges on life/death. I firmly believe that somehow Harry will destroy Voldemort with love. That has been the message all along. And Dumbledore told Harry that THAT was his weapon against Voldemort, that Harry should not have to use an Unforgivable curse to defeat Voldemort.


Harry: dead or alive sailorrogue July 17 2007, 00:08:26 UTC
As I think about whether Harry will live or die in the end, I think about how JRK has written her stories thus far, especially regarding deaths. She's had no problem killing off those closest to Harry, those he really needed. So, that of course means Ron and Hermione (especially hermione being a Muggle-born) are most susceptable. But as for Harry himself, I think of her reasonings why she would or would not kill him ( ... )


Re: Harry: dead or alive pandarus July 19 2007, 06:55:19 UTC
Hmmm. I think, though, that she's modelling the overall storyarc on the traditional kind of Rites of Passage/Hero Quest kind of thing, no? Which is why the father figures get killed off - because for Harry to really come into his maturity and his power, he needs to be stripped of those figures and go and Do The Heroic Bit himself?

But then she's also made a big thing about Harry NOT going it alone - about friendship. Hmm. Who knows? Up until the last book, I'd have said no way would Harry bite the dust at the end of Book 7 - now I think it's a possibility.

Roll on Saturday!


Re: Harry: dead or alive torkwit July 20 2007, 23:42:25 UTC
hi! i'm manda and i just joined this community. i can't wait to discuss the chapters with you all ( ... )


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