Oh yes, felt all warm and cosy by the time I'd finished this! Not sure about parkin and custard, though - but then, I'm not a hungry lad!! And we are talking about Bodie and his famous appetite. Lovely mental vision of a clean warm Doyle ensconced in the enormous bed....
Yeah, warm & cozy was what I was aiming for. Seems all I can write these days is Old Marrieds Lads - so I went with it :D Thanks for the kind feedback!
Very cute! I loved Mrs. Dinwiddie - too funny. And also Bodie's comment about the bathroom being "like a cathedral". Nice little tag onto the end of the last story!
I had this picture of Mrs. Dinwiddie in my head - you know, the stereotypical Scottish housekeeper type, then had fun making her all soft on the Lads, feeding them up and giving them the good single malt... Just a nice warm and fuzzy to reward our poor Lads after a hard couple of days.
Yes, a nice coda to the first story. It's great to see the lads enjoying themselves (and each other) in luxury now and again. I can just see it. *g* I especially liked the bit where Doyle leans back into Bodie for his heat, and Bodie's arms come around Doyle and he complains about him being scrawny. I dunno, I just like that! *g*
Yes, a reward for our hard working Lads - just to feel good. I like indulging them now and again. Lately, all I've been able to write is Old Marrieds fic, so I went with it! Thanks for the feedback :D
Comments 18
Nice little tag onto the end of the last story!
Thanks for the great feedback!
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