Individual Bingo Card - Edinburgh

Aug 01, 2016 03:46

I'm still writing stories - but I wanted to do some pics - and a vid - if I could. I always had it in mind to do a pic for my Edinburgh square and this is what I came up with (after, as some will know, a hilarious detour through this, which was not at all in keeping with the tone I wanted to strike!).

My pic was inspired by all those fics where Doyle runs off and gets lost in the snow (Bodie always seems to get lost in the desert - or maybe that's just the fic I read...).

Anyhoo - here's me pic:

And I wasn't sure if I was supposed to put disclaimers'n'stuff on a pic - so I have below, just in case...

Title: Edinburgh
Artiste: (Yea Me!) Fiorenza_a
Category: In the eye of the beholder. I was thinking M/M, so Mature? But if you aren't, then Gen :0)
Archive at ProsLib/Circuit: Yes - Anywhere you like really.
Author's Name for Archiving: Fiorenza_a
Disclaimer: Never been convinced of the utility of disclaimers, nonetheless happy to declare that this is intended as a devotional fanwork, based on the characters created by Brian Clemens, without any desire to profit from them. Love not Lucre :0)

As ever, happy to be corrected if I've stuffed up posting somehow...

fiorenza, bingo2016

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