A new challenge for 2016 - Pros Bingo!

Jan 10, 2016 12:53

Presenting a new kind of challenge to start the year at discoveredinalj! This is partly at the request of one of my favourite Pros writers, who's back on lj, and who I'd definitely like to see more Pros stories from (*g*), and partly just to try something a bit different. I havered last year about closing the comm after the 10th Winter/Christmas/Solstice/New Year etc.challenge, but eventually came down on the side of getting back to posting more challenges instead - and when I thought about it, phantomas' request for a challenge of some kind that lasted for a longer period of time, without specific deadlines and thus pressure, seemed like something that could both do that, and fit around other challenges that could be posted through the year. *g*

So, having started 2016 right with the Discovered in the Holly and Ivy posts, I present a challenge for the next 11 months - Pros Bingo! It will run from today until 30th November 2016, and creations can be posted to the community at any time between those dates,even when there's another challenge running.

The Pros Bingo Challenge will work similarly to other fandom bingo challenges - although perhaps with fewer rules/more flexibility, having looked at some of them! The idea is simply to get a Bingo! by completing an entire line of the bingo prompt card. You do this by writing/drawing/vidding/creating something for each prompt in that line. Lines must be straight, but they can go in any direction, including diagonally, and they don't have to go through the centre square.

If you're feeling creative (hurrah!) then you can also go for a Blackout!, which is filling in every square on the bingo card!

There are two ways to join in - and you can do both if you like!
- the Community Pros Bingo Card
There's alot going on in life, and if you're not sure you'd be able to fill in a whole bingo line (let alone a blackout!) on your own, then this is for you - we can do it as a community! The Community Pros Bingo Card is posted below, and anyone can join in at any time - let's see if between us we can get first a Bingo!, then another Bingo! and maybe even a Blackout!

Sign-up by commenting below to say that you'd like to help with the Community Pros Bingo Card, and then simply start creating and posting to the community! Let us know with each post you make which square your creation is for, and we'll stamp that one with your icon and post the card to show everyone where we're up to. (The only potential glitch with this one is that two people might go for the same square at once - if that happens, then I'll accept the first and add some random additional border-squares to the card where I'll add the other icons!)

- an individual Pros Bingo Card
If you want to challenge yourself to be more creative this year, then this might be for you - your very own Pros Bingo Card. The prompts will be a mixture of general and more specific, and you can go for your own Bingo! lines and Blackout - which would be truly amazing, and bring you extra kudos (and of course bring our flists extra joy *g*). Sign up by commenting below to say that you'd like to try an individual Pros Bingo Card, and you'll be assigned your very own card with prompts in the reply. (I'm also hoping I can work out how to provide the table code in one of those stretch-y menu things that people use - if anyone knows the code for that in lj, I'd appreciate it! - so that if you want/are confident with code you can post your own tables, filling them in as you go - but if not, then like the Community Pros Bingo Card, I'll post your icon-stamped table for you, with links to your creations.)

You might notice I've been using creations rather than fic/stories etc. - very specifically, because although we would definitely like to see lots and lots of Pros stories posted, the challenge is also open to artists, vidders and any other kind of creator - you can create anything Pros-y to fill in your prompts! Artists of all kinds - those who work with the written-word, drawings, banners, vids etc. - everyone is welcome to play!

A Very Few General Rules
1. As usual at the comm, please use trailer information (at the end of your work, not headers at the beginning) placed under a cut so that we offer the best of both worlds - information for anyone that wants it, and a lack of spoilers for those who'd prefer not to know.

2. Please post all creations to the community - not as a link to posts at A03 or elsewhere. Obviously you're free to post anywhere else as well, but this is a community and part of the point of it is that we're a place to interact - people have space to comment on creations, and maybe even chat about them in the comments if they want. discoveredinalj is an active group of people who adore our lads - let's play together, rather than just pointing at other computers and archives across the internet!

3. If you post a creation for another discoveredinalj challenge, you can also use it for either the Comm Pros Bingo Card or your own Pros Bingo Card, either for a square where it fits, or to substitute for a prompt you don't like. Just add the information in the Notes section of the trailer, so it can be credited. Creations for other comms etc. don't count though!

4. You can sign up at any time - straight away, halfway through the year, in November (if you're feeling brave... *g*).

5. Prompts are for inspiration only - you can use them in any way you wish to fill a square.

6. The Wildcard square is a free-prompt squares - you can post any Pros-based creation to fill this square!

6. And I think that's it! Otherwise the rules of the comm apply - treat each other well, and enjoy loving the lads and creating new moments for them! If I've forgotten anything major, please ask below, and I'll add anything else that comes up.

The Community Pros Bingo Card
Here's the community card - I've kept the prompts a bit more general than they'll be in the individual cards - let's see what we can do together! *g*

Doyle pov
Women of CI5
Character background

Technology from 1977-1981
Bodie pov
All agent call-out!
The cars!

Alternative Universe
Other character pov
Older lads

First Time
Curtain fic
Based on a specific episode
Gun malfunction

Something Fanon
Crossover (with another show/fandom)
A celebration!
Cowley pov
Food seen in an ep

Would anyone care to play? *g*


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