Discovered on a Silent Night - 5 January 2015

Jan 05, 2015 20:10

Okay, let's start in my traditional way, with an apology.

This is not what I was hoping to post today. What I was hoping to post was a story, but - for a variety of reasons ranging from my own inherent uselessness to pressures of work, Christmas chaos, and recurrent coughs and colds - I haven't finished it in time. I'm very sorry! I *will* finish and post it but, I'm afraid, probably not for a few more days.

So, in order not to leave you Prosless on my assigned day, please accept this selection of photo manips as a temporary offering. Many you of you will already have seen many of these, but I'm hoping at least some of them are new to at least some of you. If you like them, feel free to do with them as you will.

Your scheduled story will follow as soon as I can possibly get back to it.

Happy new year to you all, and thank you for bearing with me!

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