Discovered When You See This...

Sep 21, 2011 11:26

I thought we might have a mini impromptu challenge for a little while - something a bit loose, but something that might help with inspiration or a general desire to write Pros at any moment of the day!

Writers, artists and readers and watchers can all participate - and participate now! As soon as or whenever you see this, come to the comm and either:

a) ask for a prompt, to which you can write a fic/drabble/create art/whatever you like right now (-ish *g*), and then post it

b) post to the comm (or comment here if you're shy) asking for someone else to write/draw/create something specific that you just feel like reading now, or have wanted to see for ages, or have a yen or a lust for...

c) come to the comm and respond to someone's request!

Whichever you choose to do, do it as soon as you can after seeing this challenge/banner/post/etc - it's all about sudden inspiration and instant gratification! It could be a fully-fledged story, or it could be a drabble, a snippet, just a moment in the lads' lives... it could be a work of art, a work in progress, a half-thought-of dream... let's see if we can prompt lots of Pros-y posts on lj over the next week or so!

As ever, the trailer information and posting guidelines are on our user info page - apart from those posting requests, anything Pros-y goes... *g* No deadline for now - just whilst we're waiting for the next challenge to be ready! *g*

challenge, whenyouseethis

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