Fourth Gift - Click

Dec 27, 2008 14:01

Just a little dialogue fic I've been sitting on for ages (so it's not festive - sorry!). There's still more to come :)



“Bodie, I’m not joking, give it to me!”

“That’s what you said last night...”

“I mean it, give it to me!”

“Keep your shirt on!”

“Look, I signed for it so if it gets damaged you know whose pay packet it’s coming out of. It’s top of the range, that. New on the market. I’d be paying it off for two years on my salary!”

“Say ‘cheese’!”


“Ah, I don’t think I got you at your best there, mate...”

“And what do you think Cowley’s going to say when he finds a picture of me in between the surveillance material?”

“Oh. Well we’ll just have to steal the negative like last time, won’t we?”

“We? It’s not me with the strange fascination with cameras, mate - this is your job.”

“OK, OK, I’ll sneak in later. One of the developers owes me a favour anyway, if you know what I mean...”

“I’m afraid I do.”

“You’re not jealous are you, Ray?”

“Shut up, Bodie.”

“You know, it’s not actually the camera I’m fascinated by...”

Title: Click
Author: Rochvelleth
Pairings: B/D
Notes: Originally written for Discovered in a Canon/Found in a Fanon (it’s canon - Doyle always gets to use the camera), but I missed the deadline, and had only managed to come up with a dialogue fic anyway...
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, etc (running out of innovative ways to say this!).

carolling, rochvelleth08

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