Last night I went to Ryan's house and he had this discussion forum thing up on his computer, so I started reading it. I've gotta say, I've read some pretty ignorant and hurtful shit in my time but this was ridiculous. It was supposed to be a video game forum to discuss a video game but somehow it had turned into a race discussion. And by race
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Comments 6
However, the people who are saying this stuff are losers who are too cowardly, and are writing this crap on a Web site...probably from the basements of their parent's houses.
I totally agree with you about the n-word. I know it's not the same level, but I feel the same way about the c word. I don't like it at all, period. I know people feel like words are just words, that they shouldn't hurt, or that they should be "reclaimed" but I disagree. There are just some words with too much history and stigma that they are better off forgotten.
The fact that these people have to post crap like that on a gaming message board shows that they are ignorant losers.
Sarah's right, these people are not worth your time.
You have every right to be upset, mad, even FURIOUS... but honestly, isn't that reaction these assholes are looking for?
And to be quite honest again... those basement-dwelling creepy nerd boys couldn't handle a strong woman like yooooooooooooooou. ;)
miss you!
miss you too!
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