Dream plot!

Apr 03, 2009 23:51

So, Road is getting her chip out tomorrow, and after the usual time of being very sick she'll slowly start getting her powers back, but won't be able to control them at first, so they're going to start to flare up.


Anyone in Latimir Apartments can end up finding themselves stuck in weird dreams, possibly reliving memories or past situations (these dreams tend to have a nightmarish aspect). Others would find themselves in a strange sort of 'other dimension', dark and lit by candles and seemingly with no exit.

Some people will be able to fight their way out of the dreams/worlds on their own (especially those who have quite a good deal of mental fortitude), and anyone who doesn't manage it would find things returning to normal at the end of the last day, when Road gets good enough control over her powers to stop them spilling over.

This'll be happening from the 6th to the 7th April. I'll post with her to signal the start and end of the event.

If there are any questions you can contact me via comments to this post, email (heart.of.ashes [at] gmail [dot] com) or AIM (HeartFireAshes).

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