Alright everyone! Miranda Lotto is going to be getting her chip out on the 29th of March - and on Wednesday the 1st of April, her time manipulation ability is going to go haywire.
Think Groundhog Day.
This event will last three days (i.e. the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of April), and will affect anyone in the High School.
So. What will this mean for everyone? Well, from the time Miranda's ability goes haywire, no one will be able to go in or out of the High School. Anyone who tries to enter the High School will find themselves inexplicably back outside again. Anyone who tries to leave will inexplicably find themselves back inside. Outside the time warp, life goes on as normal. You just can't get in. Some may think it's some sort of warped practical joke, what with it being April Fools and all. If you don't want your character to get stuck inside, make sure they're not in the area on April 1st.
Inside the bubble? You're stuck in a repeating day. Everyone will live through the 1st of April three times - one being the "original" day, and two repeats. After going to sleep that night, you wake up...and it's the 3rd of April again. But you won't remember the previous time that you've lived through the 1st of April - as far as you know, this is the first and only 1st of April! It might be the 2nd of April to everyone not stuck in the time warp, but as far as you're concerned, it's still the 1st.
As a result of this, there will be people inside the time warp making the same post three days in a row, people outside the time warp wondering why the hell people keep posting the same thing, people inside the time warp not remembering events that happened on previous days, practical jokes being repeated three days in a row, and possibly the people inside thinking that all the other people on the network who keep claiming it's "Thursday" or "Friday" are playing a vicious joke on them.
There are also certain characters who will be affected differently. Namely, any unchipped Exorcists and Noah. They will be able to enter the time warp (but not exit), and will also remember the fact that they've lived through this day before. Possibly any other unchipped characters with time manipulation abilities will be affected the same way, but I guess that depends on your character.
So, if anyone has any questions, (or just wants to say, "sure, I'll have my character get stuck in the time warp!"), feel free to comment here or contact me on AIM at Blue Rampion.