Hey guys! Just leaving a friendly reminder that tomorrow morning is when
Chopper's chip event starts. To sum it up in fancy bullet points:
• Chopper will be removing his chip and turning into a giant monster reindeer thing in the forest.
• All reactions and such can be done after Chopper's post. That will be starting the event officially.
• MAD COWS AND CHOCOBOS. EVERYWHERE. Again, after Chopper's post. No early birds please.
• All remaining mad cows and chocobos will be assumed to have gone back into the forest before the end of the day.
The only person I have so far that is to see the monster in the forest in-person aside from Luffy and Zoro is Riful. Please, no sudden "OH HEY GUYS GUESS WHAT I SAW THAT MONSTER THING IN THE FOREST". If your character happens to be around the forest at the time and you think it'd be reasonable for them to see what's going on, let me know and I'll see what we can do. Otherwise, no peeking on all that tree abuse. :|
Of course, if anything needs clearing up or if you have questions, let me know!