Aug 08, 2010 12:11

Hey guys, it's another fantastic chip event! Brought straight to you from the radio.

Anyways, Grit is going to be getting his chip out! What does this mean for you guys?

Starting on August 11th, early morning, the residents of the first two floors of Marshall, and anyone who would be there between 6 am and 7 am are going to feel something strange. Like a tingling sensation, and maybe you'll glow. But, anyways, this is Grit's special power being entrusted in you.

Basically, long story short, any long distance attacks you may do (which, in Grit's game, included things like artillery, rockets, battleships, that sort of thing, but here they'll include things like guns, bows and arrows, and anything you launch or hit from a distance) will go farther, hit harder, and more accurately. While direct attacks (Which pretty much includes everything else (planes, tanks,boats (except the battleship), but in Discedo, they'll include fist fighting, knives, swords, anything that you need to be close to someone to do, that sort of thing) will... well, basically, turn to crap. Well not, crap, but their going to suck (SORRY GUYS I WROTE THIS AT LIKE 5 AM). Like that really strong punch you had? If it would've bruised someone, then during this event, it'll be more like a very light slap or something. But this is just for the first two floors of Marshall.

But what about the rest of Discedo?

Well, you basically get boned. Or screwed. Or most accurately, shot.

Grit's going to be out of town as far as he can, testing out his gun fire. On August 12th, he'll fire quite a few shots from out of town, and they'll be going all over the place. While a few won't make it very far, the rest will be going all over Discedo.

So, who wants to get shot? Or have something broken? Or find a bullet?

Edit: Also; you guys decide where you get shot, hit, hurt, broken, BULLETS THROUGH YOUR BONES. XD He's just firing the bullets.

Oh, and to not spam up the OOC comm, if your character lives in Marshall first and second floors, feel free to do some plotting in here!

Oh, and this event will go on to August 14th, late evening. Meaning that you guys have 3 days of fail!fighting.
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