And so that inevitable time has come.

Oct 03, 2009 19:41

It's been a fun ride, Discedo, but some things are just not meant to last. So, without further ado, it's time to bid farewell to Yuuko's chip~!

What this means to you and your characters? Well, good ol' Disco will never be the same again, for one, and awesome wish-grantings will take place. Just not before a slight period of chaos and powers going out of control, of course. Why yes, have yet another chip removal event, people! ♥

Yuuko has all kinds of abilities, but for the sake of this event, we have narrowed them down to three main groups: wish-granting, communication with other-worldly entities and fortune-telling. Dimension-traveling obviously doesn't apply to the game, heh. |DD

Wish-granting: one of the most common occurrences. For the duration of this event, your characters may find their smaller-scale wishes being granted, mostly in a materialistic aspect (i.e., a specific kind of food, guns, clothes or any ordinary objects that are otherwise rare in Discedo) though there might be instances of sick/injured people regaining their health. At any rate, no life-altering wishes will be automatically granted, because as much as Yuuko is taking responsibility for those wishes as part of her own price, her usual BALANCE MUST BE KEPT mumble-jumbo still applies. So, no abusing her powers, pretty people of mine~

Communication with other-worldly entities: as frequently seen as the former. Your characters may suddenly realize they understand what the cute little monsters in Discedo are saying in their growls and howls - and if they're brave enough to stay around, they might also find out the monsters can understand them in return. They probably won't reveal anything major other than irrational fury and hunger for human meat - and honestly, why would anyone want to stick around for a friendly chat, anyway? - but it could make for some amusing scenarios, especially for those who go hunting. Are you cold-hearted enough to kill and digest a creature that pleads for life~?

Fortune-telling: ah, the tricky one. This particular ability will be restricted to characters who already have some experience or at least prior knowledge about mystical, spiritual powers and the occult in general. Here's how it's going to work:  as long as they know a person's real name and/or date of birth, they'll have flashes and glimpses of other characters' past and future, though they wouldn't be detailed visions. Also, it's important to notice that those visions will be harder to avoid on the first couple of days, as the effects of Yuuko's powers will be at their strongest. Remember how your characters have deep, dark secrets that they would never ever in a million years reveal and yet you as evil muns are dying to let certain people know? Well, here's your chance!

This needs to be arranged in a mun-to-mun basis, of course, so feel absolutely free to use this post for plotting and putting up permissions - as in, what's okay for other people to learn about your pups, what is absolutely out of question, what is negotiable, y'know, little things like that~

Also, if you have any questions (especially concerning what kind of wishes can be granted and what kind of people can do fortune-telling, I'm guessing) just ask away and I'll do my best to help you ease your troubled mind. ♥

Event starts tomorrow, Oct. 4th, and lasts until the 7th. There will be a post from Yuuko signaling the beginning of chaos. ♥

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