Because he's had it in long enough, Seishirou is getting his chip removed! Starting on Thursday (and lasting until next Tuesday, derp :B), a few non-city-caused things will start to happen.
First off, there will be a rain of cherry blossoms over the residential district! Some of them will be perfectly tangible, some of them will clearly be illusions, but they're there and there are a lot of them, so have fun. To most people they'll just be mostly normal cherry blossoms (albeit raining from nowhere), but to anyone with any sort of supernatural or empathic senses, the cherry blossoms will feel tainted by hatred and grudges -- not quite as if they themselves harbor the feelings, but as if they've been so close to something that did for so long that they've become saturated with it.
Second, there will also be a hawk of some sort visible flying around above the city. Any ornithology nerds in the city that get a closer enough look would be able to tell that the hawk isn't any particular species (found on earth), but the mistake is easy for the untrained eye to make.
And now for things that need sign ups! (kind of!)
Anyone that would like to have a one-on-one encounter with the hawk is welcome to. There will be a commentlog for anyone who wants to play the encounter out, but you're welcome to assume it happened off screen. The bird will stalk people, make bird noises at them, and might even try to take a few things if you're not careful. He won't attack unless provoked and generally won't stick around for more than half an hour. If you want to meet him but don't intend to commentlog, just give me a heads up here.
And finally, a few people may find themselves trapped inside an illusion with a cherry blossom tree. The size of the illusion, the actions that the tree will take, and the length of time individuals will be trapped will vary from encounter to encounter. The illusion will be durable and even those with magical abilities will find it hard to break out of, but even if they can't it'll unravel on it's own, and you probably won't be stuck more than an hour at most. I ask that anyone who wants to run into the tree leave a comment here so that I can keep everything neat an organized. Like with the hawk there'll be a commentlog for tree encounter, though if you'd like to work the encounter out to be off-screened just let me know!
-Kamui (TRC)
Naturally, if anyone would like to try to hunt Seishirou down while he's still waiting for his power to behave, let me know and we can work something out. And you if have any questions, let me know and I will answer them!
As always, event is mod-approved.