N O A H - E V E N T

Jul 31, 2009 00:03

All right Discedo,


The Messiahs have all been chosen, each one implanted with a Tease - A Black butterfly-like golem that Tyki can summon, which is highly carnivorous and multiplies the more it feeds.

The Messiahs are as follows;

  • Reever Wenhamm (sciencenutt)
  • Japan (southcentrair)
  • Yukito Tsukishiro (xiyue)
  • Hol Horse (emperor_cowboy)
  • Roy Mustang (miniskirts4all)
  • Anji Mito (fuuga_chou)
  • Haine Rammsteiner (2headedcerberus)

    Starting at Midnight right now (Friday the 31st), they can feel the pain all right. Characters in Discedo can start noticing Black Butterflies beginning to flutter about, and anytime by day break, the Messiahs open the curtains to the main event, letting out about enough Tease to cause a full fledged INFESTATION to the whole of Discedo. (Something like this, only worse.)

    Now remember, these things are human eating golems, so feel free to have your character attacked if you wish, however, they will only bite if touched. (Hence Tyki's warnings. They're harmless if not provoked.)

    Note:They'll most likely flutter around people that smell really good too. :')

    This event will last until Wednesday the 5th, to which the Tease will most likely have the majority killed off by characters (Easily at that, really.) but will remain as a new Mob in Discedo, occasionally seen fluttering around just about anywhere.

    So have fun~ Tyki is lolling.
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