Mushroom 1- [Video to all in Spero]

Jul 18, 2011 22:19

 [The video flickers to life, showing a blur of pink and blonde. Then one large blue eye comes into focus and you hear a female voice chattering to herself ( Read more... )

[ professor layton ] luke triton, [ clannad ] kotomi ichinose

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Comments 25

[Video!] Luke is in Dissimulo, hope it's ok to tag you back :3 luke_triton July 19 2011, 06:27:37 UTC

[A princess? As in, a real princess? The video turns on and reveals a small boy in a blue hat looking perplexedly at the screen--and maybe slightly uncertain of what to do about meeting a real live princess.]

Hello, Miss Princess Peach!

[Sorry, can't help it.]

You're not in Mushroom Kingdom anymore...this is another planet, called Fortuna. See how there are two moons? I don't know what city you're in though. We've all been evacuated, so it's hard to know where new people end up...


Of course it is. :) shroomprincess July 19 2011, 15:14:46 UTC
[Peach smiles sweetly, pleased to meet someone with such lovely manners.]

Well, aren't you a sweet young man! It's so nice to meet you. What is your name?

[She curtsies as best she can with one hand holding the communicator.]

I don't mean to be rude, but how can I be on another planet. I don't remember being thrown into a space ship or a rocket. And why were you evacuated?


:3 luke_triton July 19 2011, 22:58:20 UTC
[He blushes at her curtsey, wondering what he's supposed to be doing when a princess curtsies. He isn't sure.]

My name is Luke! Luke Triton. It's nice to meet you, Miss Princess Peach.

[And what are you supposed to call a princess? He fidgets behind the screen and straightens his hat. Again.]

None of us really know quite how we get here--one moment, we're home and the next we're here. I don't remember being put onto a space ship or rocket either, but if you look outside, there are two moons. And at least where I'm from, there..aren't two moons.

Oh--the evacuation? The city everyone was originally living in, Discedo...a bomb went off outside of the city! We had to leave because of the nuclear radiation, though I'm not really sure what nuclear radiation is. I do know it's dangerous.


Re: :3 shroomprincess July 20 2011, 01:59:24 UTC
[Luke may be the cutest thing Peach has seen in a long time. She is obviously delighted by him]

Oh, please. If I may call you Luke, I must insist you simply call me Peach. It seems only fair. After all, we both know each other now, so there's no need for formalities.

A Bomb? Well, I do know what a bomb is... but nuclear radiation, that's something I'm not familiar with either.

[The gravity of their situation seems to settling in now, and Peach looks concerned]

Where are you Luke? Is someone else with you? Please don't be offended, but you seem rather young to be out on your own... especially if this world is as dangerous as you say. Are you somewhere safe?


[ video ] todayitwasyou July 19 2011, 13:11:14 UTC
[ This girl here blinks a moment before answering. ]

I've never heard of the Mushroom Kingdom before. ... Is that in Europe?


Re: [ video ] shroomprincess July 19 2011, 15:16:44 UTC
[Peach blinks back.]

Europe? You must excuse me, I am not familiar with that particular land, though I'm sure it must be lovely. The Mushroom Kingdom is... well.. not here, I suppose.

[She is starting to look worried.]


[Video] is_not_a_moron July 19 2011, 18:25:08 UTC
[Here, Princess, you get a giant blue eye staring right into your soul at you, waiting a few seconds before speaking in an enthusiastic manner.]

Hello! Welcome to the Aperture Apocalyptic Survival Test! Here, you're supposed to try to survive through an apocalyptic simulation!

You've been chosen as one of the lucky few to go on this test, and lucky for you, if you succeed, you'll get freedom... and cake!

[Don't freak out too hard.]


Re: [Video] shroomprincess July 19 2011, 18:59:15 UTC
[Peach looks around her at the decay and destruction. She seems very impressed.]

This is a simulation? It certainly is lifelike. I don't know what I did to be chosen, but I'll certainly try my best!

Cake? Why, cake would be wonderful! I just adore cake!


[Video] is_not_a_moron July 19 2011, 19:03:05 UTC
Yes, all you humans seem to LOVE cake, don't you?

I must warn you though, it could take a while to get that cake...


Re: [Video] shroomprincess July 19 2011, 19:09:40 UTC

[Peach squints into the communicator, almost as if she'd trying to look around the corners.]

Are you not a human? How interesting! Why will we need to wait? Is it still baking?

You know, most people don't realize that cakes need to rest for quite a while after baking before you can ice them. Otherwise, the cake is still too hot, and the icing just melts right off!


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Re: [video] (in Dissimulo but HE IS A GIANT TURTLE) shroomprincess July 20 2011, 14:15:28 UTC
[At first, Peach does look delighted as the screen fills with green skin and yellow shell. But when she realizes there are no spikes to be seen, she sighs.]

No... you're not him.

Not to be rude, of course! I'm sure you're a perfectly wonderful turtle!

[Now she just looks awkard.]


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Re: [video] shroomprincess July 20 2011, 14:38:15 UTC
Oh, thank goodness!

[She instantly looks relived, and curtsies in greeting, a better attempt than her first with Luke.]

It is very nice to meet you Michelangelo. My name is Peach. I'm sorry I seem so scattered. I just don't know what's happened to me, or where my friends went. This is a very strange land and I'm not used to being on my own.


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